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Are UKIP just drunken Tories?

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You know what it's like, you're A Tory chatting with like minded friends and colleagues talking about Europe and Gays and Blacks and Immigrants and you are trying to be Corporate and toeing the party line but at about 11.30pm you suddenly turn round and say " Do you know what, I hate poofters and blacks and immigrants and disabled poor people......I'm going to join UKIP"


"After a couple of pints, a lot of Conservatives are UKIP."


Apparently that's a new phrase in Tory circles.


Surprised you've got time to post stuff like this? Thought you'd be busy with the next implementation of tax rises..... to pay off things like the British forces bank charges (service personel who are based in Cyprus who will be stung with the 6.75% bank levy) which is to be paid by the British Tax payer no doubt? Yep perhaps UKIP have a point.... Europe & globalization doesn't seem to work except for greedy & dishonest people!!! Taxes for us to go up again no doubt????

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dont know much about politics none of em do owt for me

i work and i pay nd pay and pay

none of em are going to stop taking my money i think they should all be sacked and [B][]let the unions run the country wont be any better but it would be funny





they've only just stopped laughing at that in russia

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it doesnt matter who you vote for,,,,,,,its always the government who wins


with you on that one,what difference do people actually think it makes.

they are all out for themselves,thats why they just bitch at each other which doesn't solve anything


Dont vote:thumbsup: that'll shut em all up

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