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St Patricks day in Sheffield.

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FACEBOOK. Ahh you're altering your position now. You've gone from ALL Irish people drink 25 pints every time they go in a pub & throw up over their girlfriends & they then return & break chairs over each others heads to,'they drink a lot, far too much actually.'

Well if you'd said that in the first place, I'd have said there is some substance in that but it doesn't apply to all of them. I would also have said that it equally applies to the English as both countries have a drinks culture.

But in the same way that not ALL Englishmen get drunk, smash up football stadiums & kill people, not ALL Irishmen get hammered every time they go in a pub.


Now if that's how you'd approached the subject we could have had a civilized discussion couldn't we, but you didn't did you?


Still intrigued as to why you chose the approach that you did.


Some of your best friends are Irish? Even after they've gone berserk in a drunken rage & hit you with a chair?

You said that's what happens every time you get near an Irishman. I take it all back FACEBOOK, why, your a Saint!


---------- Post added 21-03-2013 at 20:24 ----------


gnvqsos. You're correct in that neither the Irish nor the English are a race,however, the Irish are members of the Celtic race & the English are members of the Germanic race. Therefore, being separate races they can be racist to each other. Which is a great relief as over the years we've all been far too nice to each other & things needed livening up.


You're welcome to the Muttley thing, I quite liked it myself. Good to know you have a sense of humour, something we all require given the present state of play!

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FACEBOOK. Ahh you're altering your position now. You've gone from ALL Irish people drink 25 pints every time they go in a pub & throw up over their girlfriends & they then return & break chairs over each others heads to


Some of your best friends are Irish? Even after they've gone berserk in a drunken rage & hit you with a chair?

your a Saint!


Thanks for reminding me, I do believe that ALL Irish people drink up to 40 pints every time they go into a pub and throw up over their girlfriends and then return and break chairs over each others heads and punch themselves in the face. That is just my own personal view simply based on the experiences I've had and witnessing it first hand. I'm not being racist or hating on the Irish. I love the Irish, top of the morning to you, luck of the Irish and all that other, Irish stuff. Tell you what, if an Irish person wants to prove me wrong and take me out to a pub and it not end as I've described then I'll obviously change my opinion. But until, I must stand firm. That is not being racist.


Take this weekend for example, I'm going to see a River dance, now why would I do that if I was racist? Although quite frankly I think that style of dancing is cheating because it's obvious that the only way you can flail your legs around like that at such speed is if you were hammered and trying to stay upright. Once again, that's not being racist, it's just an opinion. Maybe I'll change my mind once I see it for real.


As you can see, not one Irish person has come on this thread to say I've caused them any offence as it's clear I'm just expressing opinion based on my own experience. If I heard someone say "All English football fans are hooligans", I wouldn't take offence because I know I'm not a hooligan myself. I'd just think, they've got a point there. People are so sensitive, you can't get so upset so fast just because someone calls you out on something. Get over it, really!


---------- Post added 21-03-2013 at 20:46 ----------


I would hazard a guess that that no ones opinion means much to you!


ooof there mossdog, your venomous tongue doesn't half sting!

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FACEBOOK> You really are a strange fellow aren't you? What have you 'called me out on'?

You made the original statement about an entire Nation behaving in a specific stereotypical

manner on every occasion in which you were in their company. I called you out on that ridiculous statement.

You are now telling me that you intend going to a venue where presumably there will be a fair number of Irish people & no doubt drink. In which case you are quite happy at the prospect of being hit by a chair?

A thought has occurred FACEBOOK. Think this through logically, every time I'm in the company of Irish people I have a whale of a time & enjoy myself immensely & this has been going on for many, many years. Meanwhile, every time you are in the company of Irish people it rapidly goes pear shaped, drink is spilt,fists are thrown & general mayhem ensues. Now there must be a reason FACEBOOK, think carefully, is there any common denominator that you can put your finger on that may be the cause of all this chaos?

You know, some type of irritation that causes people to lose the will to live & go berserk because anything is better than putting up any longer with the annoyance?


Please give this some thought FACEBOOK because I'm beginning to worry about the up coming weekend & your reckless plan to mix with people of the Hibernian persuasion.

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FACEBOOK> You really are a strange fellow aren't you? What have you 'called me out on'?

You made the original statement about an entire Nation behaving in a specific stereotypical

manner on every occasion in which you were in their company. I called you out on that ridiculous statement.

You are now telling me that you intend going to a venue where presumably there will be a fair number of Irish people & no doubt drink. In which case you are quite happy at the prospect of being hit by a chair?

A thought has occurred FACEBOOK. Think this through logically, every time I'm in the company of Irish people I have a whale of a time & enjoy myself immensely & this has been going on for many, many years. Meanwhile, every time you are in the company of Irish people it rapidly goes pear shaped, drink is spilt,fists are thrown & general mayhem ensues. Now there must be a reason FACEBOOK, think carefully, is there any common denominator that you can put your finger on that may be the cause of all this chaos?

You know, some type of irritation that causes people to lose the will to live & go berserk because anything is better than putting up any longer with the annoyance?


Please give this some thought FACEBOOK because I'm beginning to worry about the up coming weekend & your reckless plan to mix with people of the Hibernian persuasion.


Reading between the lines you are suggesting that FB is the instigator of the fracas,but your company is enlivening.Am I right?

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gnvqsos. Good god man you're a genius! I never thought of that. But no, I wouldn't say my company is enlivening, I do however, when in company try not to make inflammatory statements, especially about subjects I have little knowledge of, which unfortunately are too numerous to mention.

Got to go now. talk again tomorrow providing no harm befalls any of us.

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It's like saying, don't mention the titanic and who built it. We all know where and who built the titanic, but you're not allowed to mention it. Honestly!


---------- Post added 21-03-2013 at 19:51 ----------



What utter crap you spout ... so the Titanic sunk because the Irish or rather Northern Irish built it? Nothing at all to do with that great lump of congealed H2O in the mid-Atlantic and the state of communication technology back in 1912 ? I bet those dumb Irish in steerage also helped it along with pen knifes to the boat side - did you see that in Father Ted too ?

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Thanks for reminding me, I do believe that ALL Irish people drink up to 40 pints every time they go into a pub and throw up over their girlfriends and then return and break chairs over each others heads and punch themselves in the face. That is just my own personal view simply based on the experiences I've had and witnessing it first hand. I'm not being racist or hating on the Irish. I love the Irish, top of the morning to you, luck of the Irish and all that other, Irish stuff. Tell you what, if an Irish person wants to prove me wrong and take me out to a pub and it not end as I've described then I'll obviously change my opinion. But until, I must stand firm. That is not being racist.


Take this weekend for example, I'm going to see a River dance, now why would I do that if I was racist? Although quite frankly I think that style of dancing is cheating because it's obvious that the only way you can flail your legs around like that at such speed is if you were hammered and trying to stay upright. Once again, that's not being racist, it's just an opinion. Maybe I'll change my mind once I see it for real.


As you can see, not one Irish person has come on this thread to say I've caused them any offence as it's clear I'm just expressing opinion based on my own experience. If I heard someone say "All English football fans are hooligans", I wouldn't take offence because I know I'm not a hooligan myself. I'd just think, they've got a point there. People are so sensitive, you can't get so upset so fast just because someone calls you out on something. Get over it, really!


---------- Post added 21-03-2013 at 20:46 ----------



ooof there mossdog, your venomous tongue doesn't half sting!

That's the Irish in me sunshine.............sleep well.
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