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St Patricks day in Sheffield.

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You must live in a box then :rant::rant:


You must be joking. It's almost impossible to have even a five minute conversation with an Irishman without him bringing up alcohol. I don't hate them or anything, just genuinely find them to be very boring.

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You know, because the Irish actually need a specific day to get fall over drunk. I've yet to meet an Irishman over the age of 18 that didn't behave as if it were St Patricks day every day.


In which case you perhaps have never been to Ireland.If you do go there please visit the Sasparilla Dispensary in Sligo,,and the Antrim Annual Abstinence carnival.They also have numerous comics lampooning English jokes which stereotype the Irish.

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FACEBOOK. Exactly how many Irish people do you know, specifically?


Don't get your knickers in a twist Paddy O'furniture, I don't hate the Irish, I just find them mind bogglingly boring and mostly drunks. I can only go on what I personally experience and that its how I've found them. They probably thought I am a total bore as I don't like to drink 25 pints in a 4 hour period and vomit all over my girlfriend. Each to their own. Like I say I've met a lot of Irish folk and they have ALL behaved exactly like this. It's in their culture. It's what they do. You could literally start a day in Ireland called "NO Alcohol day" and they would celebrate it by getting blind fall over drunk with no hint of irony or sarcasm just because it's in their nature. All I'm saying is that they like a drink regardless of what the day is called which I'm sure they would be the first to admit. I'm not hating, it's just factual observation.

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FACEBOOK. So basically, in reality you know hardly any Irish people at all? You see in your comment at 33 above you made two statements both of which I know to be factually incorrect.

If you go into an Irish pub in Ireland you will find conversations taking place covering subjects as wide ranging as sport, politics,music,film, TV, weather etc pretty much as you would over here. The one subject that you virtually never hear discussed is drink. You see in Ireland they have Guinness or if you're in Cork Murphys & other than that, apart from Smithwicks, which is virtually their only beer they have the same assortment of Lagers we have over here.

If you want to be bored rigid by someone droning on about beer you need to be in an English pub listening to an Englishman waffling on about 'real ale' most of which is pretty vile.

As to people vomiting, In my experience you just have to walk down any English high street on a saturday night to literally 'fill your boots'.


Incidentally, what's with the Paddy O' Furniture crack bit of a bigot are we FACEBOOK?

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I can only go on what I personally experience and that its how I've found them. They probably thought I am a total bore as I don't like to drink 25 pints in a 4 hour period and vomit all over my girlfriend. Each to their own. Like I say I've met a lot of Irish folk and they have ALL behaved exactly like this.


So a lot of Irish people you've met drank 25 pints in 4 hours and vomited on their girlfriend?

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Don't get your knickers in a twist Paddy O'furniture, I don't hate the Irish, I just find them mind bogglingly boring and mostly drunks. I can only go on what I personally experience and that its how I've found them. They probably thought I am a total bore as I don't like to drink 25 pints in a 4 hour period and vomit all over my girlfriend. Each to their own. Like I say I've met a lot of Irish folk and they have ALL behaved exactly like this. It's in their culture. It's what they do. You could literally start a day in Ireland called "NO Alcohol day" and they would celebrate it by getting blind fall over drunk with no hint of irony or sarcasm just because it's in their nature. All I'm saying is that they like a drink regardless of what the day is called which I'm sure they would be the first to admit. I'm not hating, it's just factual observation.
What a shocking narrow view of a great nation.I take great exception to such a closed minded viewpoint of the Irish people who have given so much to the world.

To sum them up as a nation of boring drunks from the few you have met is disgusting and you should issue an apology forthwith or the Sheffield Forum should suspend your membership.

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