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St Patricks day in Sheffield.

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What a shocking narrow view of a great nation.I take great exception to such a closed minded viewpoint of the Irish people who have given so much to the world.

To sum them up as a nation of boring drunks from the few you have met is disgusting and you should issue an apology forthwith or the Sheffield Forum should suspend your membership.


Look here Bea O'problem! i don't hate or even dislike the Irish. They can be a lot of fun. I just can't take them seriously that's all, based on experience.


As for banning or suspending me, what, again? I've only been back 2 minutes.

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Oh Carol. Whilst I agree with with your views on the Irish I wouldn't want FACEBOOK suspended. He's entitled to his views as weird sounding as they are. I'm hoping to find out what his problem is with the Irish because he's clearly got one. He's told us twice now that 'he doesn't hate' them.

That's very like the 'I'm not a racist but' preface to a racist comment.

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Oh Carol. Whilst I agree with with your views on the Irish I wouldn't want FACEBOOK suspended. He's entitled to his views as weird sounding as they are. I'm hoping to find out what his problem is with the Irish because he's clearly got one. He's told us twice now that 'he doesn't hate' them.

That's very like the 'I'm not a racist but' preface to a racist comment.


I've said I don't hate them because you called me a bigot which implies I might hate them. Which I don't.


Irish people are funny, they make good stand up comediennes.


And sure, you might go into an Irish pub and hear all manner of intellectual conversations going on, but go back in 2 hours and those same people are hitting each other over the head with chairs and punching themselves in the face. I've seen it. I'm not making this up.


I'm just saying they overdo it with the drink. That is true. No point denying what is universally known.

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Look here Bea O'problem! i don't hate or even dislike the Irish. They can be a lot of fun. I just can't take them seriously that's all, based on experience.


As for banning or suspending me, what, again? I've only been back 2 minutes.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if your experience of meeting Irish people was based only on the meeting of a tiny minority of Irish people that you have encountered in the roughest of places or pubs you are accustomed to visiting.

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I wouldn't be at all surprised if your experience of meeting Irish people was based only on the meeting of a tiny minority of Irish people that you have encountered in the roughest of places or pubs you are accustomed to visiting.


Here comes May O'Nays steaming in with her pint o guinness.


Look May, in life we judge people as we find them right? Well the places in Ireland I have witnessed such scenes were in nice family run establishments. I would never visit the rough houses you mention and am especially not accustomed to such places.


I can't believe none of you are willing to acknowledge that the Irish drink ridiculous amounts of alcohol and become seriously rowdy on a daily basis.

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I went to a catholic school where most of the kids seem to have Polish or Irish names. A good portion of them used to wear shamrocks on St Patricks day. I'm probably 100% Irish blood but I've lived in Yorkshire most of my life support Sheffield United and speak with a Yorkshire accent as do most of the "plastic Paddy's" I come across. I have no affinity with Ireland whatsoever and have no Irish friends or work colleagues. I do find Irish "comedians" deeply boring and banal and don't get all this green silly hat wearing mallarkey.


I'd rather have a Yorkshire Day than a nationalistic flag waving St Georges day. There you are I've had a dig at everybody now

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FACEBOOK. You've seen it with your very own eyes? That's truly amazing, & I'll tell you why.

You see, I have lived in Ireland, attended two different schools there & over the course of many, many years have traveled extensively throughout the country. In all, I have stayed in B&B's & hotels in sixteen different Irish counties. Now I'm a man who likes a drink & therefore have always frequented the local pubs. I have taken part in 'lock ins' which have gone on until 3 or four o'clock in the morning & my all time record is starting at 8-45pm & exiting at 7-05am the following morning.

Do you know what's strange about it FACEBOOK? On no occasion, not one, have I ever seen a fight in an Irish pub. Not one!

Now you've got to admit that's weird isn't it FACEBOOK?


Obviously, I've been going in the wrong pubs, as far as excitement is concerned.

perhaps you could give me a list of these entertaining venues as I could do with a bit of excitement in my old age?


---------- Post added 20-03-2013 at 20:26 ----------


Ridgewalk. It's the 1st of August, so what's you're problem?

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Now I'm a man who likes a drink & therefore have always frequented the local pubs. I have taken part in 'lock ins' which have gone on until 3 or four o'clock in the morning & my all time record is starting at 8-45pm & exiting at 7-05am the following morning.


What a surprise. Just when you had no credibility you go and admit this.


You Sir are exactly the type of person I'm talking about. I suppose you think we are so stupid to believe that you and your drinking "chums" take part in lock-ins and drink for nearly 12 hours without becoming rowdy or intoxicated to the point of vomiting in the street. A likely story.


Anyone showing pride in attending such lock in alcohol binge sessions should quite frankly receive a punch on the nose which I'm sure you have on many occasions and probably at your own hand!



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