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St Patricks day in Sheffield.

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FACEBOOK. You're making yourself look even sillier now, & I didn't think that was going to be possible.

Yes I am telling you that. Do you thing that people involved in a 'lock in' with friends pour pint after pint down their throats until their incapable?

It's beginning to sound as though maybe you don't have many friends & therefore are not familiar with social mores. You see, what happens when you are in good company & amongst friends is that you enjoy the conversation & the humour. The drink is actually incidental.

You are seemingly unaware of this as your attitude to drink appears to be that you can not go in a pub without getting rat arsed. I'm beginning to think that you are the one with the problem.


Well it's obvious we're not going to see eye to eye on this. I mean, if you're going to believe the opposite of everything I say there's really not a lot of point is there.


Now, don't you have an all night lock in drinking warehouse rave party to attend? Don't let me keep you Danny Boy.


---------- Post added 20-03-2013 at 21:05 ----------


Please note once again: I do not have any hatred or dislike toward the Irish. I just think they drink rather a lot and don't need the excuse of a "special day" on which to do it to an excess. So calm down.

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What a surprise. Just when you had no credibility you go and admit this.


You Sir are exactly the type of person I'm talking about. I suppose you think we are so stupid to believe that you and your drinking "chums" take part in lock-ins and drink for nearly 12 hours without becoming rowdy or intoxicated to the point of vomiting in the street. A likely story.


Anyone showing pride in attending such lock in alcohol binge sessions should quite frankly receive a punch on the nose which I'm sure you have on many occasions and probably at your own hand!




I too am shocked by the lack of shame displayed by this heavy drinker.


---------- Post added 20-03-2013 at 21:17 ----------


I don't normally swear but right now i'm tempted,just as well it isn't permitted on the forum. :roll:


I would imagine any Irish person would be a little upset but the guy is clearly teasing you,calling you May O' Nays:hihi:

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FACEBOOK. I'm perfectly calm my dear. All night lock in rave party? You're not too bright are you FACEBOOK?


Read what I put again. Better yet, get someone with a basic understanding of the English language to explain it to you, if possible with hand puppets.


By the way, as you're obviously struggling with comprehension of straight forward comments I'll make it plainer for you.


I'm not 'believing the opposite of everything you say' I'm simply calling you a liar, plain enough for you?

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FACEBOOK. I'm perfectly calm my dear. All night lock in rave party? You're not too bright are you FACEBOOK?


Read what I put again. Better yet, get someone with a basic understanding of the English language to explain it to you, if possible with hand puppets.


By the way, as you're obviously struggling with comprehension of straight forward comments I'll make it plainer for you.


I'm not 'believing the opposite of everything you say' I'm simply calling you a liar, plain enough for you?


I know a lot of primary teachers used hand puppets in the 60s and 70s,but did not realise some still practiced this technique.

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gnvqsos. Please explain exactly what anyone has to be ashamed about because they enjoy a drink?

Last I looked it was legal. Are you one of these prissy little people that likes to tell everyone else how to live their lives?


Or maybe you were trying to be funny. The operative word being 'trying'.


---------- Post added 20-03-2013 at 21:28 ----------


The 60s was when I last went to school. You mean they don't do that anymore?

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gnvqsos. Please explain exactly what anyone has to be ashamed about because they enjoy a drink?

Last I looked it was legal. Are you one of these prissy little people that likes to tell everyone else how to live their lives?


Or maybe you were trying to be funny. The operative word being 'trying'.


---------- Post added 20-03-2013 at 21:28 ----------


The 60s was when I last went to school. You mean they don't do that anymore?


You were boasting of excessive drinking,quite different from enjoying a drink.It was not legal to drink after hours.I am not telling you how to live your life simply pointing out the less attractive elements.We all have to try to be funny as humour does not come naturally to most people.If people find my remarks that is fine but I acknowledge humour like good taste and judgement is subjective.

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