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St Patricks day in Sheffield.

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It would appear MJ that the door to your all night alcoholic lock-in binge warehouse rave festival of sin has been unlocked, so I'm sure all the above is probably just the drink talking. Remember, it is you that boasted about your heavy drinking escapades. I can only base my judgement upon what you tell us about yourself. As I'm a pretty rationale individual I don't look at what you write and then state that you actually meant exactly the opposite which strangely seems to be you MO.


Firstly, you seem to be finding it difficult to understand a rather obvious concept which is, if a number of people go somewhere at different times, it's highly likely they will all have a different experience. You do get that right? You realise that you have called me a liar because I have experienced something different to you. So you see how I might think you've been at the bottle again. Either that or you're extremely arrogant to the point of delusion.


A few corrections, I prefer the term "Keyboard Warrior", and yes, I wouldn't say boo to a ghost offline. I'm extremely familiar with "The Art Of War" and in most offline situations up against some crazy brute I would be out-matched, so I would do what all the greatest generals in history have done in the same position if confronted, I would flee and re-evaluate keeping my armies numbers intact until we can outnumber and surprise the enemy, only fighting battles we are sure to win. Makes sense yea?


No, I'm not a race hating bigot as mentioned numerous times previously, neither am I lonely, desperate, or attention seeking. Nor do I suffer from not getting out much or living under a bridge, I just have a different opinion to you which hasn't been formed under a beer tent. As for my "mate", no, we don't phone each other to plan our dastardly schemes or sit holding hands & giggling to each other but who knows what the future will bring. Although I'm straight and i'm sure he is too, you've gotta admit, holding hands and giggling does sound like a lot of fun.


---------- Post added 21-03-2013 at 18:32 ----------


And another thing, If you are going to accuse me of being a race hating bigot, you better accuse channel 4 of the same thing because I've gotten most of my beliefs about the Irish from the Documentary series Ch4 put out about Ireland called Father Ted.

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It would appear MJ that the door to your all night alcoholic lock-in binge warehouse rave festival of sin has been unlocked, so I'm sure all the above is probably just the drink talking. Remember, it is you that boasted about your heavy drinking escapades. I can only base my judgement upon what you tell us about yourself. As I'm a pretty rationale individual I don't look at what you write and then state that you actually meant exactly the opposite which strangely seems to be you MO.


Firstly, you seem to be finding it difficult to understand a rather obvious concept which is, if a number of people go somewhere at different times, it's highly likely they will all have a different experience. You do get that right? You realise that you have called me a liar because I have experienced something different to you. So you see how I might think you've been at the bottle again. Either that or you're extremely arrogant to the point of delusion.


A few corrections, I prefer the term "Keyboard Warrior", and yes, I wouldn't say boo to a ghost offline. I'm extremely familiar with "The Art Of War" and in most offline situations up against some crazy brute I would be out-matched, so I would do what all the greatest generals in history have done in the same position if confronted, I would flee and re-evaluate keeping my armies numbers intact until we can outnumber and surprise the enemy, only fighting battles we are sure to win. Makes sense yea?


No, I'm not a race hating bigot as mentioned numerous times previously, neither am I lonely, desperate, or attention seeking. Nor do I suffer from not getting out much or living under a bridge, I just have a different opinion to you which hasn't been formed under a beer tent. As for my "mate", no, we don't phone each other to plan our dastardly schemes or sit holding hands & giggling to each other but who knows what the future will bring. Although I'm straight and i'm sure he is too, you've gotta admit, holding hands and giggling does sound like a lot of fun.


---------- Post added 21-03-2013 at 18:32 ----------


And another thing, If you are going to accuse me of being a race hating bigot, you better accuse channel 4 of the same thing because I've gotten most of my beliefs about the Irish from the Documentary series Ch4 put out about Ireland called Father Ted.

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FACEBOOK Dear me you really are scraping the barrel now. Is there no beginning to your knowledge?

Now I said I had traveled all over Ireland & been in many Irish pubs Yes? Did I say how much I drank in those pubs? You see traveling in my case means driving & I don't drink & drive . You & your mate muttley are the only ones who don't seem to be able to grasp the concept that it is quite possible to go into a pub & not get drunk . Now are you sure your not the one with the problem?

Actually it's just occurred to me that maybe your not actually old enough to go in a pub, you do come across as very immature with your constant repetition of the drink thing which is getting boring now, & shows a lack of imagination on your part.

This 'The Art of War' which you are familiar with, is it an online game or the work of Sun Tzu ?


Yes I am accusing you of being a bigot, or at least of posting a bigoted view on this thread.

Father Ted? You don't really get this politically correct world we live in do you? Father Ted was written, produced & acted by Irish people Yes? Now this will come as a shock to

you but it isn't actually possible to be racist to your own race. Yes I know, it's confusing & I'm sure your head is hurting at this point, have a little lay down.

Incidentally, that show is a good example of how the Irish don't take themselves too seriously, not something you could ever accuse the English of.


So, we have now established, that in addition to being a racist you are also a physical coward.

The character profile is beginning to take shape.

Now please answer the question I put to you in my previous post. Why did you feel the need to post a racist comment on this thread?

I'm interested because as I said I have an interest in human behavior & it seems such a small minded bigoted & frankly stupid thing to do. What was your motivation?

Please cut the crap about it was your experience, your fooling no one We've established your a liar, I'm simply interested in your motive.

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I think you're being rather harsh MJ. As you can see in this thread, only the drama queens think I'm a bigot. You're right about one thing though, this thread is fast becoming rather boring and stale. It needs pepping up, we need to add some zing!


I do think the Irish drink a lot, far too much actually, and don't need the excuse of a "special day" on which to do it. Nothing wrong with that at all, it's true! I'm sure it would be very hard to find just one Irishman who would take offence to such an opinion.


It's like saying, don't mention the titanic and who built it. We all know where and who built the titanic, but you're not allowed to mention it. Honestly!


---------- Post added 21-03-2013 at 19:51 ----------


Some of my best friends are Irish by the way.

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FACEBOOK Dear me you really are scraping the barrel now. Is there no beginning to your knowledge?

Now I said I had traveled all over Ireland & been in many Irish pubs Yes? Did I say how much I drank in those pubs? You see traveling in my case means driving & I don't drink & drive . You & your mate muttley are the only ones who don't seem to be able to grasp the concept that it is quite possible to go into a pub & not get drunk . Now are you sure your not the one with the problem?

Actually it's just occurred to me that maybe your not actually old enough to go in a pub, you do come across as very immature with your constant repetition of the drink thing which is getting boring now, & shows a lack of imagination on your part.

This 'The Art of War' which you are familiar with, is it an online game or the work of Sun Tzu ?


Yes I am accusing you of being a bigot, or at least of posting a bigoted view on this thread.

Father Ted? You don't really get this politically correct world we live in do you? Father Ted was written, produced & acted by Irish people Yes? Now this will come as a shock to

you but it isn't actually possible to be racist to your own race. Yes I know, it's confusing & I'm sure your head is hurting at this point, have a little lay down.

Incidentally, that show is a good example of how the Irish don't take themselves too seriously, not something you could ever accuse the English of.


So, we have now established, that in addition to being a racist you are also a physical coward.

The character profile is beginning to take shape.

Now please answer the question I put to you in my previous post. Why did you feel the need to post a racist comment on this thread?

I'm interested because as I said I have an interest in human behavior & it seems such a small minded bigoted & frankly stupid thing to do. What was your motivation?

Please cut the crap about it was your experience, your fooling no one We've established your a liar, I'm simply interested in your motive.


Can you call the Irish a race?I would say the Irish are a nation but not race.What are the racial characteristics of the Irish?


PS I like the Mutley crack-very humorous

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It's like saying, don't mention the titanic and who built it. We all know where and who built the titanic, but you're not allowed to mention it.


The Titanic was built by Harland and Wolff which has always been at the centre of anti-Catholic employment practices in East Belfast. So the former staff there are very unlikely to celebrate St Patrick's Day.



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