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Fear of dentist

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I have a terrible fear of the dentist and have really let my dental care slide over the years. In fact my teeth are pretty bad :( I am just so freaked out by the dentist and shiver at the mere thought of going. However, a few months ago I had an infected tooth which was incredibly painful and beyond saving. I had to have it removed. I am now experiencing the same kind of pain again in what I think is the next tooth along? Could the other tooth I had removed have infected other teeth possibly? As far as my dental health goes am I buggered? :(

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Man up. Or woman up.

Go to the dentist and find out.

No one on here can diagnose the state of your teeth via a keyboard.

What do you expect anyone to type to make things any better WITHOUT going to a dentist.

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No it's probably poor hygiene (sorry)


If you're afraid of the dentist you really should be extra vigilant with your brushing and flossing.


I understand where you're coming from tho, just the implements they use to 'inspect' your mouth are enough to put the frights up someone.

And the noise and feeling you get when the guys scraping around inside your mouth with that hook thing!

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I have a terrible fear of the dentist and have really let my dental care slide over the years. In fact my teeth are pretty bad :( I am just so freaked out by the dentist and shiver at the mere thought of going. However, a few months ago I had an infected tooth which was incredibly painful and beyond saving. I had to have it removed. I am now experiencing the same kind of pain again in what I think is the next tooth along? Could the other tooth I had removed have infected other teeth possibly? As far as my dental health goes am I buggered? :(


The fear of the dentist cant be as bad as the pain,Many years ago they werent the nicest places to go,but they have improved no end,dont suffer anymore pain,get thee sen to dentist.:)you will be glad you did [honest]

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Try and get an early morning appointment. Apparently that's when your pain receptors are at their lowest sensitivity.


But, like has already been said, dental treatment has improved considerably. You just need to convince yourself that the pain will be minimal.


I had a replacement filling two weeks ago. The dentist said that an injection would hurt more than the drilling out of the old filling and he was right.

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if you get back in there to have this other tooth looked at, don't leave the dentist without scheduling your next appt. even if it's just for a cleaning 6 months down the road. schedule the next appt while you are there.

if it's been a while though i suspect you'll need more work done. better a filling now than an extraction later.


go get yer teggie's took care of.

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I used to be petrified of dentists (thanks to my childhood dentist), to the point of panic attacks in the chair. I still don't like going, but it's not so bad now, due to the fact that I have a very good dentist - "shop around", get recommendations from your friends and family and what I found helped an awful lot was "distraction therapy", take your iPod along, find the loudest music you can on it and turn it up loud while you're in the chair - although the dentist had a fit of the giggles one day when I had Queen on and "Don't Stop Me Now, I'm Having Such a Good Time" came on!

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Dentists are a lot better than they were in the 1950's.Teeth filled without injections,the dentist stopped drilling when he hit the root of the tooth.The horrible clamp to hold your mouth open and the smelly gas mask plonked over your nose and mouth.Avisit to the dentist is a doddle these days.

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