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"Money in the Bank"..dangerous?

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With Cypriots standing to lose 10% of their bank balances, is it now time to keep our bank balances as low as possible, after all it might as well be under the bed anyway for what little interest is paid,so why do we need to take extra risks!

and by the way there are billions in bank accounts in UK that the government would like to get their hands on!

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End of "tin foil hat" thread.
These links don't address the point of the thread: they don't deal with a potential moneygrab tax on account balances by the Gvt at all.


I can't see the UK ever following that initiative by Cyprus. At the UK scale and considering the place of the country in the EU/on the international scene, it would be the economical equivalent of an H-Bomb. You can nag the Gvt/Osbourne all you want, they're not that stupid.

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What is happening in Cyprus will send shock waves around the world. If the EU can do this to peoples savings after they have payed tax on it where will it stop? Turn your money into gold, silver diamonds, or cash is a fire proof safe. Buy classic cars,good art, antiques.

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If that's a challenge to the govt, it's extremely ill advised! :P


Good luck to them getting hold of my (PAYE-taxed) hard-earned, is all I'll say: not much of it lives on a current a/c in a UK (or more generally 'at risk') bank. Just enough to pay the bills/live on...Bank runs are so XXth century :P

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Merv the Swerve and the rest of the BoE cabal have already stolen 14% from UK savers in the form of lost interest.


For countries such as UK the theft has been just as great as what the Cypriots are expected to experience as the theft has been STEALTH by means of high inflation that equates to approx 14% STOLEN from UK savers over the past 4 years i.e. the amount that savers have lost after REAL Inflation (CPI+1.5%) and Taxes (20%) as savings interest rates have been artificially depressed by the Bank of England


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What even more annoying is they class interest as income and tax it, despite the fact that savers have lost money and not gained money.


Interest is income gained by savers. It's money you get for doing nothing other than leave savings in an account. So it's right to tax it.


Sometimes you're as inaccurate as MrSmith.

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