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What things are you old enough to remember?

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When I had a milk round in 1966, each day I sold about 600 pints of pasteurised, 200 pints of Channel island, 4 pints of homogenised and just the 1 pint of sterilised. The sterilised was not popular and if you tasted it, you knew why.

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When I had a milk round in 1966, each day I sold about 600 pints of pasteurised, 200 pints of Channel island, 4 pints of homogenised and just the 1 pint of sterilised. The sterilised was not popular and if you tasted it, you knew why.


I remember me mum used to insist on buying it (sterilised), she was the only chuff that would have it, as you say you had to taste it to accept how horrid it was.


---------- Post added 23-03-2013 at 16:55 ----------


Proper winters, fogs like pea soupers, 3 day week, power cuts in 70's, oh & England winning World Cup in 66. On a not so nice note but feel needs mentioning, Brady & Hindley, Mary Bell, Aberfan.

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Jennings the sweet shop at the bottom of Brincliffe Edge allotments

The diving boards at Millhouses open air pool that looked so high

Using Carterknowle road as a private go-kart track

Santa's grotto at the bottom of the Moor

Going up the Moor on buses with the open platform at the back

groves the general shop that was near Lynmouth road post office that seemed to sell every food stuff

The indoor swimming pool at Carterknowle school

Yes folks I'm showing my age


I must know you !

I'll take a guess your in your early 50s.

I remember starting Holt House infants school in 1966, you had to finish your school dinner before you got a pudding ..... I hated spinach back then :D

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I remember terry towelling nappies, but I'm sure that as with all things, some people are old fashioned and even today, there are probably babies being raised in Terry towelling.

Indeed, Mothercare have a pack of 5 available on their website for £11.99. Terry towel, reusable nappies.

You can even buy a pail in which to soak used Terry towel nappies, prior to washing.


God I used to love terry towelling nappies when my kids were small. Watching them all sparkling white in a row, blowing on the washing line, (the nappies, not the kids..)


Just call me strange.....

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God I used to love terry towelling nappies when my kids were small. Watching them all sparkling white in a row, blowing on the washing line, (the nappies, not the kids..)


Just call me strange.....


We couldn't afford a washing machine when ours were babies, so it was soak in a bucket, then hand wash or go to the laundrette. I still love seeing clean washing on the line, but I'd have swapped those terries for today's disposables. :thumbsup:


I recall my feet being frozen in my wellies in much worse weather than we're experiencing now. The east coast of Scotland can be a very cold place. :o A coal fire was great on days like these as long as you could sit near it, then into flannelette sheets with a hot water bottle. No double glazing, central heating or fitted carpets back in the 40s and 50s. But we were hardy. ;)


I don't remember our primary school ever closing because of weather conditions, everyone lived within walking distance, even the teachers.

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So explain to me how I remember laying on the Rexine covered sofa and finding it cold to my face after my father laid me down and feeling abandoned( When both mother and father must have been exhausted from trying to comfort me). I remember being cuddled and starting with pain and crying, then trying not to because it hurt more I remember the strange man rather more well built than my father pushing something in my ear (that must have been the G.P.) earache is the worst pain I have ever experienced, including torn muscles, broken bones and childbirth. I know the memory of the nappy was kept alive by a photo of me on my mothers knee on the beach in nothing but a nappy.There is no photo of me on the sofa. no idea what IIRC means but I do know that all animals including humans learn to avoid pain and seek comfort earlier than anything else.


Can I recommend a trip to the underlay topic?

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I can remember a fairy light covered V in the window when I was little. It must have been Victory Day. We used those lights on the Christmas tree for years after.:thumbsup:

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I can remember a fairy light covered V in the window when I was little. It must have been Victory Day. We used those lights on the Christmas tree for years after.:thumbsup:


Would that be the 1945 VE day?My mum still has a letter bearing a postmark of that day.It was sent by a sailor known as Portland Bill.

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