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What things are you old enough to remember?

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Marble drinking fountains in the park, with an outlet for your dog to drink also.


I don't remember those, but I do remember the metal drinking fountains in Weston Park and Norfolk Park: akin to upturned sink plungers with a turny thing on the side to alter the height of the fountain. They stood topless and redundant for years after the water supply was turned off.


Also: 2p children's bus fares (4p for adults from my house on the 95 to the town centre, increasing to 5p for several stops more to Weston Park). The children's fare had increased to 10p by the time I was at secondary school.

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Ayup! I can remember when haddock were tuppence a pound and t' trolley fare to Hathersage an' back cost sixpence, go out for an evenin' on't town wi ten bob in me pocket and still come home wi change to spare


We and haddock every Monday while Opportunity Knocks was on, it stunk the house out.

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Getting our first TV (in around 1960) and thinking it was great to have more than one channel! ;) And, there were only two then, BBC and ITV.


My father put off having a TV for ages, but eventually succumbed and we rented one, good old Radio Rentals.


I can remember getting sweets in the late 1940s when they were still on ration. I also remember my mother having tins of powdered egg in her cupboard, left over from the war.

They were still on ration when I went to Gibraltar with the navy in 1952, and brought home boxes of Cadbury's Roses and Quality Street chocolates for my mother, and nylons for my girl friend. She was still painting her legs at the time, with the seams at the back:)


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 11:17 ----------


Ayup! I can remember when haddock were tuppence a pound and t' trolley fare to Hathersage an' back cost sixpence, go out for an evenin' on't town wi ten bob in me pocket and still come home wi change to spare
Tha couldn't get a trolley ter Hathersage, tha had ter have electricity, tha had ter use t'bus. Ony place wi' trolleys were Rovrum. Har duz tha know, tha't ony a pretend Yank, tha knows.:hihi: Edited by buck
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:hihi:They were still on ration when I went to Gibraltar with the navy in 1952, and brought home boxes of Cadbury's Roses and Quality Street chocolates for my mother, and nylons for my girl friend. She was still painting her legs at the time, with the seams at the back:)


---------- Post added 25-09-2013 at 11:17 ----------


Tha couldn't get a trolley ter Hathersage, tha had ter have electricity, tha had ter use t'bus. Ony place wi' trolleys were Rovrum. Har duz tha know, tha't ony a pretend Yank, tha knows.:hihi:


Eee lad ! Them trolleys were steam driven.


Sixpence ter see Tilly Rosemarie at t' old Imperial Palace Music Hall on Orchard street. Free gin wi' t' show an' all



Nowt like that these days

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