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What things are you old enough to remember?

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Steam rollers ,proper steam rollers flattening white chippens onto red hot tar.

In the summer the tar would melt and we would rap it around our fingers and suck it.

And then chuck white hard dog turds at each other. marvellous days all this while we sucked a Kia Ora.

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I remember the coal man coming round weekly and he picked every single bag off the lorry on his shoulder. I remember my uncle not wanting to play football and telling me it was because he "had a bone in his leg". I remember Sweenys the barbr in the arcade on pinstone street. I remember winters that had snow on the ground for weeks and proper summers that lasted all summer. I remember Whip & Tops. I remember going to school on the Friday and getting 4 black jacks for a penny and getting the same 4 black jacks on the Monday for a new penny (decimalisation). I remember it was great back then !!

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I remember


Paying 1D for a lucky bag, pre decimal sweets, pennies as big as my hand.


Digging melting tar from between cobbles on hot days to make a shiny ball of tar on a lolly stick and then pretending it was a blackcurrant lolly & trying to get people to lick it.


405 line telly with a whopping 9 inch, monochrome, round screen in a 2 foot by 3 foot Bakelite cabinet, with a choice of BBC or ITV.


Taking turns in a tin bath in front of a black leaded range.


My older sister being charged with keeping the pot on the stove full of water as that was the only hot water we had.


Being terrified of the rats in the attic as my bed was right under the trapdoor, I was also scared of the stairs as there was no light and I was convinced there were monsters living on the little platform halfway down that you could never see the back of.


The weather being really cold and all my brothers and sisters sharing my mum and dads bed with me, with all the coats we had thrown on top, we fought over who got a sleeve so we could put an arm down it, it was so cold the older kids played football on the frozen over canal.


Going blackberry picking with my aunt and making jam while we had the previous years jam on her home made scones.


My mum and dad smoking a pack of Woodbines a day, I could never stand the smell.


My brother taking me for a ride on his scooter.


The neighbours having a bubble car.


... and lots more, just me and my sister left now though

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