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What things are you old enough to remember?

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We had inkwells with pens in our tables AND had to use them and that was in the 80s! No matter how often I explained that there were pens without the need to smear yourself in ink the teacher always insisted we learned how to use proper ink "ballpoints just don't write as well..."


Sticking to the school theme, I remember teachers smoking in the class-room and the teacher-room (opposite our class-room at the time) always being full of smoke, especially when the vicar came, he puffed on his pipe wherever he went.


As a toddler in the early 80s I remember living in a house full of brown and orange with plants EVERYWHERE, not sure if that was a Dutch thing or not, but our house was properly teeming with house-plants, including a huge ivy that covered an entire wall in the living room.


I remember my dad buying his first cassette-player and then cursing two years later when the CD was introduced. I remember vividly all the computers we had, from Acorn 64s to Commodores to MSXes.


I remember the council digging up the road in front of our house so they could replace all the sewage-pipes for new ones and a boy 5 houses down getting crushed when playing in the 5mtr deep wells, we had been playing in them just hours before but got told to get out by our neighbour.


I remember visiting my mum at work, she worked at the fish-plant, filleting the latest catch and I vividly recall being overawed by the seemingly enormous mountains of fish heads and guts in the corner.


As an even younger kid (3-4) I remember the day I found a caterpillar, and another one, and another one. Overjoyed I started to pick them up, never realising they were "procession-caterpillars" as they are known in Dutch and incredibly poisonous. I had to go to hospital for a check-up, 3 months later and I had to go back to hospital, this time to have my tonsils out, but as my Dad (who worked as a nurse at the time) took me AND gave me the sedative I thought it was him who had hurt my throat, apparently I refused to look at him for several weeks. My lovely grandma made things better by ensuring I got fed ice-lollies for days.

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