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Economy slowly improving

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It is far easier to crash a train than it is to straighten it out afterwards. Osbourne has reduced the deficit by 25%. In these difficult times we are doing a good deal better than the Eurozone. Countries like Greece and Cyprus are showing what happens when you try to borrow your way out of debt.




I'm not going to get too upset about folk who lie to get a mortgage. That's hadly a fault of the system.

isnt osbourne borrowing money now ?
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The simple fact is that no British Chancellor can seriously influence the current situation. It is not in Osbornes power to do anything but cut spending. That is difficult due to the levels of expenditure necessary to maintain benefits.


If things deteriorate further there should be national government. The constant sniping of the Labour party is foolish and damaging. If they were in power they would be in exactly the same fix with no way out other than cut spending , particulalrly on benefits.

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The only thing I can think is that Osborne knows the next election is lost and that he's laying traps for Labour. If so he is destroying peoples' lives to do it as part of a silly ideological game.


As bad as the Labour party before him. The time for such idiocy is gone.


The cupboard was bare when the Tories took over, and it will be the same when the Tories are kicked out.


What has changed to make things different?

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It is far easier to crash a train than it is to straighten it out afterwards. Osbourne has reduced the deficit by 25%. In these difficult times we are doing a good deal better than the Eurozone. Countries like Greece and Cyprus are showing what happens when you try to borrow your way out of debt.


Reduced the deficit? Can you then explain why the tories have borrowed more money within 2.5 years of government than labour did in three terms? With all these cuts to services and increased borrowing, just where is all the money going?


As for the Eurozone, I find it strange that the countries suffering the most e.g. Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Cyprus and Spain etc and those countries which rely on tourism from other European countries, in the main.

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The cupboard was bare when the Tories took over, and it will be the same when the Tories are kicked out.


What has changed to make things different?

different for who us or them for us mass unemployment/pay freezes/working longer/less in the pension pot/need i go on. oh and them nothings changed apart from they earning more with better pensions paid for by us :suspect:
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different for who us or them for us mass unemployment/pay freezes/working longer/less in the pension pot/need i go on. oh and them nothings changed apart from they earning more with better pensions paid for by us :suspect:


People are living longer, the pension ages were decided when the average life span was much shorter than now,why not continue working to 70 or beyond?


Regarding THEM, how do you come to the conclusion that WE are paying for THEIR pensions.


Who are THEY?

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People are living longer, the pension ages were decided when the average life span was much shorter than now,why not continue working to 70 or beyond?


Regarding THEM, how do you come to the conclusion that WE are paying for THEIR pensions.


Who are THEY?

morning xenia maybe people dont want to work to 70 (unlike some security guards).open your eyes mate the gov move goal posts to suit themselves. the pension/benefits cuts are affecting millions of people yet some its not affecting at all (i wonder who the some are ) no prizes for guessing :hihi:
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The cupboard was bare when the Tories took over, and it will be the same when the Tories are kicked out.


What has changed to make things different?


The coalition inherited a growing economy.


The told us they could make it grow even quicker.


What has changed is Osborne's experimental policies have failed. And failed in an epic way.

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