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Personal space invasion .. are there rules?

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Ok ... so I'm stood at Hillsborough bus station today, waiting for the number 52 to transport me back to 'area 51 and a half'.

I'm stood slightly to the left of the centre of the covered bus stop to maximize protection from the elements.


All of a sudden this doddery old bloke pulling a shopping trolley (not relevant really) and (I guess) his Mrs turn up.

He stands right next to me ... literally virtually touching! I guess about 20mm away ... his wife stands next to him and they appear to be having some kind of contretemps.


I felt unnerved about this as the bus stop is 6 metres long (estimate ... 6x1m segments bolted together, hardly rocket science). I felt my comfort zone was being compromised.

I sidestepped by about 300mm to regain my free space ... Sardine man (as I'd just decided to call him) followed! 20mm away! I panicked and moved right to the left of the bus stop, exposing myself to everything the cruel elements could throw at me (the bus stop is open ended). There were still only three of us in the entire 6m long bus stop.


Sardine man followed again! Still virtually touching shoulders (he had a hacking cough too, whilst not arguing with his other half). I would've had a word with him, but thought better of it due to (apart from pulling a tartan trolley bag thing on wheels) him looking like one of those old hard guys that'd stab you in the eyes if you upset him. Probably ex-gangster I reasoned.


It was a full five minutes we stood like this until I was saved by the timely arrival of the 52!


Here's a detailed drawing of what really happened, using time-lapse photography.


Are there rules about how much personal space you should allow someone else in cases such as this? Does it worry you? Personally, in a situation such as this, I'd give at least 600mm ... maybe even 1m.


Your comments please ...

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Do you have this effect on attractive young ladies as well, or is it just old blokes with tartan shopping trolleys? What body spray are you using? I've heard that Lynx can create this effect in women, maybe it's the Old Spice that is causing it?


I don't think there are any rules, if they were, folks would only break them in any case.


It would have been fun to have kept moving around the bus shelter until you'd done a full revolution, to see if he followed you. It could have been the start of a conga.


I think it's more likely that the bloke was trying to make sure nobody took his place in the queue though. Either that or you've got a peculiar magnetism that is irresistible to the elderly.

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Great diagram - and strangely pleasing handwriting. Sardine Man was clearly out of order and invading your space.

I would recommend an ''Excuse me, you're making me feel uncomfortable, please move further away'' approach in the first instance.

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I have to admit I do a bit of space invading :(

In my defence I don't realise until the other person tries to sidle away.


I did it last week when queuing for the atm it was cold so I snuggled up to a fella in front.


He looked terrified.


I promise it isn't sinister, we are just friendly souls :)

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I'm sure I read something somewhere that someone's personal space is less but only if you know that person, or are a barber or dentist whch necessitates your space being invaded.


Anway next time that some socially inept person invades your personal space you could always talk to them about having some horrible communicable virus like the flu. Alternatively you could could pretend you are deriving a great deal of unwholesome satisfaction from having a complete stranger practically rubbing up against you ;)


Either that or trump very loudly :hihi:

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Great diagram - and strangely pleasing handwriting. Sardine Man was clearly out of order and invading your space.

I would recommend an ''Excuse me, you're making me feel uncomfortable, please move further away'' approach in the first instance.


It's normally much better handwriting, but due to a newly formed blister on the end of my middle finger (due to a ciggie sticking to it whilst attempting the 'putting it out' manoeuvre), it's a little bit messy. Anyway, it's not a calligraphy test and I digress.


In retrospect, I guess I could've said something but they were having an argument at the time and I didn't particularly want to get involved. I opted for the sidestepping ploy. It didn't work.


---------- Post added 20-03-2013 at 16:53 ----------


Love the graphics!


See post#9 ... same rules for the graphics. :(

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