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What 'stuff' do you do?

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Before I was ill I rarely watched TV and spent my spare time doing DIY, gardening (for others as well as myself), playing lots of music (from playing in the pub to ceilidh bands and orchestras), lots of sport, walking, baking and a whole load of other things.


Sadly, I can't do any of them any more :(

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I met a builder once who had broken his leg, and whiled his time away cross stitching steam trains. There's an active writing group on here, and cooking is assisted by many gadgets these days. You don't do ANYTHING beyond posting here?


No I like to cook but I have to have people lift things for me as I'm unable, I mean strenuous things. I am writing my story of my illness & daily life, I make CV's for relatives, I just wish I could chuck myself about but hey ho. Sadly my health is a bit more serious than a broken leg, they mend I won't.


I used to golf twice a week and walk at least 20 miles a week as well, sadly cannot do either anymore. I even like to go out on my mobility scooter and just have a run round, and me & wife go shopping on Sunday & I bring stuff back on it.


I love to read & have a Kindle and read every night in bed, I have my laptop & love to research history & things; love Jack the Ripper.


I've got my grandkids & family & daughter gets wed in July so doing her some stuff on PC, no not totally sedentary just very restricted fella/lass.

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I fly my remote controlled helicopter quite a bit (indoors only). Christmas pressie from G/F ... I'm pretty good with it now, although there's been a tear or two shed in the process. It's onboard video camera suffered terminal destruction after a couple of days for starters. I first saw it on the Gadget show.


Once I've managed to remove the rotor blade marks off the walls and door-frames, I may invest in a larger outdoor version. The one that does 'Loop the Loops!')

G/F's bought one too and we like doing re-enactments of The Battle of Britain and stuff.


This weekend, we're going to start the 'Crookes Clothes Horse Trials', whereby we have to fly through the gaps in several clothes horses, cunningly set out as a circuit.


Apart from that, I like writing, reading ... stuff like that. Love walking in Derbyshire too! (and painting and cooking) :)

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Like most people I think?


I go about my busy daily life, trying to make ends meet work, maybe a little telly, checkout facebook and SF, A beer now & then, Gardening in the summer, freezing my tits off in the winter.


Wondering where the next holiday is coming from & generally walking the treadmill of life.



Boring huh?

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Telly is full of 'stuff' you could get involved in yourself at the moment, and I was just musing how we've spent about... 30? years thinking shopping was the only valid recreational activity we could indulge in


Tv is currently trying to inspire us into sport, ice skating, dancing, singing, baking...


So what 'stuff' do you do, and what have you recently been inspired to do?




---------- Post added 20-03-2013 at 23:43 ----------


Before I was ill I rarely watched TV and spent my spare time doing DIY, gardening (for others as well as myself), playing lots of music (from playing in the pub to ceilidh bands and orchestras), lots of sport, walking, baking and a whole load of other things.


Sadly, I can't do any of them any more :(


really sucks...soz.

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Roll on Easter when the caravan comes out for the first time this year.

That's my kind of "stuff".

Weekends in the van visiting different places and meeting new friends.


Oh...and geocaching.

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