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Failing education system

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Enough is enough. Teachers are having their pay reduced, workload increased and being told they are lazy. All while being forced to obtain results with students no matter what that students background.


During observations if one student is off task for 20 seconds you can be given a judgment of not good enough.


Teachers are under far too much pressure from the schools senior management, who themselves are under too much pressure, and are constantly told they are not good enough and have to do better.


It's about time somebody stood up and said its not the schools responsibility to potty train, install good morals or teach children how to behave. This should all come from parents and backed up by schools!


You would be shocked how many parents think its the schools responsibility to bring up their kids for them! The government should have the balls to say to parents to grow a pair and start taking responsibility for their children.




Sorry rant over

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I've got friends who are teachers and I can't understand why anyone would want to become a teacher nowadays kids can be so vile and yet woe betide a teacher who raises a hand to the little darling.

One possible idea could be that if a child misbehaves badly then the parent is called in to the school to explain their kids actions, maybe if they lost half a days pay then they might start setting a few boundaries. For those parrents not in employment make them attend parenting classes or better still hand cuff them to their child and make them attend school.

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Enough is enough. Teachers are having their pay reduced, workload increased and being told they are lazy.



The same as the whole public sector, the same as those on benefits; everyone - except those at the top?

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The education system has been failing for decades. Unless you're following the path of a specific profession needing university such as doctor, solicitor, vet etc there's very little point in school. Might as well just do Junior and then go straight into learning a skill and start getting experience in something that will earn you money in the real world. If you aren't going to university, what on earth will you learn between 12-16 that you will use and need in the real world. Probably nothing.

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I've got friends who are teachers and I can't understand why anyone would want to become a teacher nowadays kids can be so vile and yet woe betide a teacher who raises a hand to the little darling.

One possible idea could be that if a child misbehaves badly then the parent is called in to the school to explain their kids actions, maybe if they lost half a days pay then they might start setting a few boundaries. For those parrents not in employment make them attend parenting classes or better still hand cuff them to their child and make them attend school.


Rightly so, I'm sure you'd agree. That aside I fully agree with the general tone of your post.

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EU warns UK school standards threaten economy


Too many people in the UK are leaving school “functionally illiterate and innumerate, with no qualifications” when the economy increasingly needs “medium and high skilled” workers. Policy is not helping, the report added, by focusing on basic skills training rather than addressing the chronic problem of early school leavers.


“The UK continues to have too many people with low skills, resulting in inequality and skills mismatches. The economic costs of this problem are likely to increase over time if it is not effectively addressed,” the report said.



Hasn't the EU seen all those wonderful exam results, each year beating the previous record?


After a decade of denials, yet another exam chief says GCSEs HAVE got easier


Ahhh.... :o



I've got friends who are teachers and I can't understand why anyone would want to become a teacher nowadays




At £23,010, the average starting salary in teaching is high compared to the average graduate starting salary. Experienced teachers can earn up to £64,000 in London and £56,000 outside London, while head teachers can reach a salary of between £42,379 and £112,000.

SOURCE: The Department of Education


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