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Anyone on here go to Ecclesfield Comprehensive School?


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I was in Miss Gradwells class when she was English teacher at Greengate Lane Secondary School. I was there 1960 to 1964, after that it combined with Ecclesfield Grammar school and the whole lot went Comprehensive.

Miss Gradwell was a member of staff at Bletchley Park during the war, the establishment immortalised by the ENIGMA coding machine and the subject of a recent film.

I always did think she was a lot brighter than the rest of the staff who taught there. Very fine lady, taught me to love reading and to appreciate literature. She must be nearly 100 years old now.


She is still around and still living in the same house. I had her for English in 1976/77 and I think she retired in 1978. She taught my mother at Greengate lane and she last saw her at Miss Bennetts funeral last year.

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just found this thread and it took me right back to somewhere I never want to go again......I too left in 1969 and remember so many of these names....Mr Moss was my form teacher most years.....


Ogi was the most obnoxious guy I have ever come across.

The best teacher in my day was 'Ug' Cornwell (history and rugby) top bloke.

And the legendary Gabby Hayes, what a guy!.


The mad sadistic, teachers were

Robinson (French)

Boggy Marsh (Maths)

Hapgood (Maths)

Moss (PE)

Sutton (Chemistry)

The female teachers were great though, Miss Norfolk, Mrs Winfield, Miss (wobs) Webster.

Rob Tomlinson ruins the ESVC site, he is very helpful if anybody needs any info.

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Mrs Heaton.....oh dear....girls weren't allowed to wear patent shoes in case boys could see up our skirts.....seriously....


I was 1969 to 1975

It was Ma Heaton who called all the girls slags and tarts. Miss Woods was massive in my eyes. There were a strange collection of old school masters and new wave teachers. Daz Smith was special, but Malham was a full weight b******.

Science was Muff Potter, Mr T Smith and Mr Mellor and Harry Ridge who dropped half an ounce of pottassium in the water dish and it exploded onto the ceiling and just stuck there until it burned out. Another time Mr Mellor "missed" about 2 metres of magnesium ribbon which looked really pretty under the science block stairs when we set it alight.

Maths was Mrs Kunce and a Mr Williams, a big bloke who broke his nose playing against the Rugger first XV.....he heh.

Er, anyway

English was Howarth, he read some pretty dreary stuff and a really tiny woman who wore long skirts. Oh, and old Ma Gradden, who was quite prim and proper in a nice orderly way.

Geography was Yates (git), then Hedley Knibbs then Birkby fine tuned me into an O level.

History was Wing Nut Anderson who was infact a really nice guy.

My German tutor was Herr Shaddock and he would froth at the mouth when he got excited.

Nuff........too much....

We had a betting scam going under the science block stairs for the Wacky races.

My favourite was Bernie Middleton the woodwork teacher, I last saw him at Ladybower fishing and he told me he had one year to live due to inhaling wood dust for 40 years.

God, I could go on for ages...........

Oh, forgot, Games: Mike Cordon, top man, Mr Moss was the original "Casper, you moved, stand still when I take a penalty" but I think Mr Buck the maths teacher was the original model for Brian Glover's character in Kes. Mr Glen was not a nice person. I once sat the whole of the double French lesson after double games in the morning on a freezing cold winters day, with an imprint of the adaptor of a mitre ball at the side of my head, courtesy of a Mr Glen free kick from 2 yards away. I'd swing for him today as old as me might be, the b****d!

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She is still around and still living in the same house. I had her for English in 1976/77 and I think she retired in 1978. She taught my mother at Greengate lane and she last saw her at Miss Bennetts funeral last year.



I never had Miss Gradwell but I did have Miss Bennet for history, I remember her saying to me ''I don't know why you behave badly, I know your Mother and you're not the kind of family to have fish and chips every night'':hihi: She obviously looked down on anyone who ate fish and chips every night :hihi:

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Would this be the Miss Bennet who was Headmistress at the old Bracken Hill School [across the road from Acorn Inn on Burncross]? She used to [attempt] to teach us French. This would have been 1961. Bracken Hill was an annexe for Greengate lane school. Your first year was spent at Bracken Hill. A Mr Battye was there as well, a bit of a prat who used to hit kids on the head with Bibles. Games teacher was Mr Greeves, he used to drive a Jowett Javelin. A very distinctive car.


Memory being stretched to the limits.

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I was 1969 to 1975

It was Ma Heaton who called all the girls slags and tarts. Miss Woods was massive in my eyes. There were a strange collection of old school masters and new wave teachers. Daz Smith was special, but Malham was a full weight b******.

Science was Muff Potter, Mr T Smith and Mr Mellor and Harry Ridge who dropped half an ounce of pottassium in the water dish and it exploded onto the ceiling and just stuck there until it burned out. Another time Mr Mellor "missed" about 2 metres of magnesium ribbon which looked really pretty under the science block stairs when we set it alight.

Maths was Mrs Kunce and a Mr Williams, a big bloke who broke his nose playing against the Rugger first XV.....he heh.

Er, anyway

English was Howarth, he read some pretty dreary stuff and a really tiny woman who wore long skirts. Oh, and old Ma Gradden, who was quite prim and proper in a nice orderly way.

Geography was Yates (git), then Hedley Knibbs then Birkby fine tuned me into an O level.

History was Wing Nut Anderson who was infact a really nice guy.

My German tutor was Herr Shaddock and he would froth at the mouth when he got excited.

Nuff........too much....

We had a betting scam going under the science block stairs for the Wacky races.

My favourite was Bernie Middleton the woodwork teacher, I last saw him at Ladybower fishing and he told me he had one year to live due to inhaling wood dust for 40 years.

God, I could go on for ages...........

Oh, forgot, Games: Mike Cordon, top man, Mr Moss was the original "Casper, you moved, stand still when I take a penalty" but I think Mr Buck the maths teacher was the original model for Brian Glover's character in Kes. Mr Glen was not a nice person. I once sat the whole of the double French lesson after double games in the morning on a freezing cold winters day, with an imprint of the adaptor of a mitre ball at the side of my head, courtesy of a Mr Glen free kick from 2 yards away. I'd swing for him today as old as me might be, the b****d!


i was there from 69 to 74 and every word youve said is spot on, nice one.

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sycamore i was there same time as you i did russian with mr macdonald he was like 7 ft tall - do u remember him, i think i ended up in 5c2 or summat - u?


hi sheffsand. sorry i dont remember him & i definitly didnt do russian,only did french and i cant remember that teachers name either, mind you i hated french anyway.my best teacher would have been josh king,i still enjoy history and archeolagy to this day. my forms were 1p...2p...3n...4n...and 5r.

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I went to Ecclesfield from 1965-1972; in the Jennings/Jennet/Heaton era. I actually enjoyed my time there mostly - give or take a caning or two.

I went on to be a primary school teacher Almondbury in Huddersfield for thirty years and have recently discovered that the Deputy Head of Almondbury High, Mick Nolan, has now become the Head of Ecclesfield.

Most painful memory - being straight arm tackled and breaking my nose whilst playing rugby against Wath Comprehensive.

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