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Anyone on here go to Ecclesfield Comprehensive School?


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hi sycamore66j ive been talking to guzziowl face to face and he told me you remember me its hockey, how are you its a long time but i remember you i will talk later got to go to his house to drop of a pic of us both seeing as you might meet when he visits hear from u soon

im going to read all the threads


hello dougie3, I remember you ......you married my sister didnt you:hihi:

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I remembered the name, yates, but not the face, so i looked on the old school website and theres a group photo of all the teachers who were there in 1976. mr yates is sat in the front row. It looks like the photo was taken on the stage in the lady mabel hall. btw does anyone remember oggy jennets female counter part.....mrs staines!! she took us for maths in 1st & 2nd year and music in 3rd year. rumour has it she was turned down for the part of the wicked witch in the wizzard of oz because she was too scary:hihi:


Mrs Staines !!! God she was a real killer ! :gag:I remember in my first year walking past the square of grass beside Tricket Hall and she shouted me 'Hey you girl' ! I nearly pood my pants :hihi:She shouted for me to pick up a plastic ruler which someone had thrown on to the grass :hihi:

Never had her for any lessons but she was certainly scary to us back then :hihi:

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I remember mrs staines once got me and one of the other lads the cane! in the old hunshelf block at one end was the library, then steps up to the second floor. well me and my mate found it amusing to leen over the hand rail at the top and spit on any first years at the bottom. we were in 2nd year,1971. unfortunately one day we were doing it when old ma staines appeared at the bottom of the stairs.....caught in the act. she called us both disgusting imbiceles and marched us round to mr judge,s office, where we got , i think 3 strokes of the cane across our backsides. happy days. it cured the spitting though.

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Btw whats the best pranks you played on him, im taking notes o_o.


Hi abbs. dont recall ever playing any pranks on mr jennet but there were a couple of things we did to a student teacher who was a pain in the rear. he used to run a chess club in the lunch break, held in the art room,we went in one day and seeing his jacket over a chair we filled up the pockets with paint powder. :hihi: and another time we bunged up the door locks on his car with chewing gum.....it

took him hours to get it out:hihi::hihi: and we never got caught:D:D p.s. dont tell anyone i told you about this:):):)

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I was at the main school between 1979 and 1982 and 1982 and 1984 (sixth form). I remember the school being out of control, with only a handful of teachers (such as Mr Williams & Mr Howarth) who could keep control. Many of the windows had been put through, and room 5 had been completely torched. How I got out of that place with any qualifications is one of life's little mysteries. Grew up quick. I see that Mr King has been killed in a motorcycle accident - I heard that he had been sacked for making a girl stand on a desk, and lift her skirt up. I always felt sorry for him, because he got all the idiots, and it must have eventually got to him. Anyone remember Philip (Percy) Claxton? He was a great teacher for 6th form, but couldn't control the other classes. Same with Mr Pilling. Mr Guest was my form tutor for 2 years, and was new into teaching in 1979. Apparently, he had played football for England under 21s. I was one of the computer swots (still am!), and was one of the first 6 pupils to be introduced to the school computer by Mr Burkinshaw and Mr Carter in 1980. Ground breaking stuff! Please see my other posting on the lower school. Oh, nearly forgot Mrs Jolly, the inappropriately named dinner bag (sorry, lady).

Edited by wakefield
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