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Anyone on here go to Ecclesfield Comprehensive School?


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:D hey beamer i'm suprised you can remember all the teachers names with how many times you wagged school:hihi:

Errrmmmm i'll have ya know i only wagged school once and got bloody caught.:loopy: Never did it again after that.I was too frightened to:hihi:

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Errrmmmm i'll have ya know i only wagged school once and got bloody caught.:loopy: Never did it again after that.I was too frightened to:hihi:

I got sent out of class so many times, that when I went to the school re-union, only the cleaners recognised me!

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Mr Guest, wow he was gorgeous, he drove a little sports car ( I think it was a TR7 or a TVR ) we did a sponsered walk once and he was giving lifts home to tired pupils, I was tempted but decided the miles i had already walked would be wasted. I bet he's bald now all the best ones go bald!! I can still see him in his football strip.


By the way I had been sponsered at 2p per mile but cunningly changed them to half p's on form and made a bit of profit. I was in the final year the minibus they were trying to buy was no good to me!


My favorite teacher's were Tony Smith and Mr Templeman, he used to smoke in the corridor as he taught us.



I did that sponsored walk as well. June 1978 wasn't it?

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  • 2 months later...

Ah can't believe I've only just found this!


I only left in 2004 but brought back memories with the teachers!


How could anybody fancy Mr Guest! He was horrible to me, making me do maths grrr :hihi: nice guy really though!


Has nobody mentioned Ms Bowring the drama teacher! She was the best in the world, I loved her!!

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I did that sponsored walk as well. June 1978 wasn't it?
I did that walk aswell, including walking to school and walking home. If I remember correctly down past the old quarry, towards chapel road, then up to greno woods, along to wortley, down to Westwood?, through high green, then back to Ecclesfield, seemed a lot longer than 14miles.:confused::hihi: :hihi:
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