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Anyone remember the 'You Are Here' map on Flat Street?


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One of my strongest childhood memories is the 'You Are Here' illuminated map of the City Centre which stood at the junction of Flat Street and Pond Street throughout the 60s (very close to the bus station).


You pressed the buttons and little bulbs would light up on the map showing where the places were. It was probably state of the art technology at the time.


I don't know how many tourists actually used it, but it was a magnet for little kids.


I went back to Pond Street a couple of years ago and sadly, although the little recess in the railings where it once stood was still there, the map itself was long gone. :sad:


Does anyone else remember it?

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Originally posted by Tony

Oh yes - it must have been there in the mid 80's when we went to Sheaf Valley baths.


Anyone else remember the Rolf Harris painting in the cafeteria? What happened to that? Was it just demolished?


I think the you are here board was only removed when the bus station was redeveloped about fifteen years ago.


I had heard that the Rolf Harris painting was lost when the baths were demolished, I don't know if there's truth in the rumour.


I miss the Sheaf Valley baths.


I understand that the main pool had been designed just a yard and a half (that's a metre and a half in new money!) too short, to be used as an international pool, and it'd have cost too much to dig it out and extend it.


I used to love going swimming there. My other half and I used to take our lad when he was just a little tiddler.


I liked the design it had with the deepest bit in the middle, and a shallow end at each end. it was better for the non-confident/ not-strong swimmers, as you didn't exhaust yourself getting all the way to the far end, and then have to struggle, tired-out, with the deep end. ( I believe that the baths at King Ted's School is the same sort of profile, designed deep in the middle. it's too many years than I care to remember since I went swimming there, so my memory is hazy)

And By god!


Wasn't that diving pool at SVB *damn* bloody cold!!!???


Plain Talker

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Originally posted by Plain Talker

I understand that the main pool had been designed just a yard and a half (that's a metre and a half in new money!) too short, to be used as an international pool, and it'd have cost too much to dig it out and extend it.


LOL ... only in Sheffield!

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As a kid I loved lighting up as many places as possible on the Pond St map. There was something fairly fascinating about pushing buttons and getting an instance response. The "you are here" bit on the map was permanently lit and had a coloured border around it I think.

I'd love to know where it is now.

As for the Sheaf valley baths my friends and I would emerge from them steaming, into the cold night air and head straight for the Pond St roast chestnut seller.

And then clutching the only two pence we each had left, we would board the bus and head off home.

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I can remember that map on Flat Street as if it was yesterday. Spent many a time being dragged away by my mum saying ''you'll break it!''.......What about those fish in the hole-in-the-road....they must have been fed up!Is the hole filled in or just covered over for someone to 'discover' in 100 yrs time?

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Certainly remember trying to illuminate all the features.You had to be a real contortionist to lean on all the buttons.

Reminds me too of those Brylcream machines in the baths.A mate of mine used to suck the stuff out by putting his mouth to the nozzle - something the vending machine operator had not considered.

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I understand that the main pool had been designed just a yard and a half (that's a metre and a half in new money!) too short, to be used as an international pool, and it'd have cost too much to dig it out and extend it.


I believe it was done on purpose so that the facilities would not be hogged by galas and internation events.


I spend my whole teenage years at Sheaf Valley. It was a good place to meet girls, even though they saw what they were getting body wise.


The staff were excellent, and I made a lot of friends there. I wonder where they are now?


To keep the thread on topic. I remember the map. It was there in the 60's when I was a teenybopper. I didn't understand what it did, I just liked pressing the buttons and seeing what lights came on. If I'm right, there was always a few buttons that didn't work as well.

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