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Suggestions for finding a drummer?


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After having gone through, I think, 8 different drummers in my other band inFictions, and hoping that lightning couldn't possibly strike twice, Early Cartographers are about to lose our talented Cajonist/Percussionist Heather to the unfair city of Bristol.


I was hoping that some of you might be able offer advice as to where we should look for her replacement? I know that quality drummers are like gold dust in Sheffield but surely there's SOMEONE out there?!!?


We've been described as an 'acoustic collective' and have a tendency to play weird and wonderful locations unplugged as well as more conventional venues and festivals. We've been championed by Tom Robinson on 6Music and have had some really nice reviews of our debut EP, The Wolf Chorus, which you can hear or buy at earlycartographers.bandcamp.com


Bands we like or have been compared to include Beach House, The National, Grizzly Bear, Beirut etc.


If you, or anyone you know, would like to come and meet us for a jam, please don't hesitate to drop us an email...




Thank you!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ed,


Dan from (ex) Dead World Leaders here. Just having a listen to your stuff, really like it.

I'm looking to get back into playing and would be interested in something like this which is different to what I'm used to.

Drop me a line on here or via facebook if your interested and we'll have a chat :)





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