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Discarded cigarette ends

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Though it's quite easy to put the cigarette out then put it in the bin. Some people are just selfish and couldn't give a damn.


Well of course...yes I agree...as are the chewing gum spitters, and the fast food poly box litterers, and chocolate wrapper droppers...etc...etc...the list is endless...yet the smokers get a bashing!


No problem for me now though since I took up e-cigs! :hihi:

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I actually know of a tiny but well visited village that's "dealt" with their litter problems by removing every single bin !


I'm not entirely sure that would work in a City...But having said that...I also remember when the IRA bomb went off in Manchester (I think) in a bin, and instantly the whole country removed all their bins...I seem to remember it was a right pain, but by and large, everyone took it home with them...apart from the die hard litter bugs!

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why do smokers feel the need to just throw their disgusting butt ends on the floor when ever they feel like it?is that not classed as littering? I find its worse at bus stops


Why not ask fat people why they chuck their burger wrappers on the floor?

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It has to be said, that some 'bins' are not designed for throwing a tab end into

Then don't throw them. Place them, gently. :)


Really, it's only a minor point, but I notice it when I come out of work. If I was a manager ( :rolleyes: ) I'd watch for people doing it and pull them up. It makes the place look awful. There is an area for smokers, there is a bin, and there are fag ends all over the floor. It's sheer disrespect, no more.


Equally, it does happen with other things. Yes. Of course it does.

Chinese lanterns, littering by proxy.

Long distance littering, I call it. :)

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Smokers never gave a thought for anybody but themselves. I should because I used to be a smoker.


So when you gave up smoking you stopped being selfish?

That's a side effect hitherto unreported in scientific papers

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