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Migrants to the back of the queue

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I wonder how many 'migrant workers' actually live in free housing? I have a number of Polish neighbours, all living in the private rental sector. I don't see much of them, because they are all up and out before 6:00am and off to work in the agribusinnesses of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. I suspect that their pay is very low. They seem very industrious. They have my full sympathy and my total respect.

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I wonder how many 'migrant workers' actually live in free housing? I have a number of Polish neighbours, all living in the private rental sector. I don't see much of them, because they are all up and out before 6:00am and off to work in the agribusinnesses of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. I suspect that their pay is very low. They seem very industrious. They have my full sympathy and my total respect.
wait while they start working at your place and undercutting your wage and see who the boss keeps on :loopy:
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What are they going to do about immigrants already here but for less than 5 years? Kick them out of their houses? That won't happen. It reads like it only applies to council housing, so what's to stop people getting a private rent and then claiming housing benefit or something?


We already know how wily some of the recent immigrants from Eastern Europe are when it comes to getting benefits, so it just seems like another populist knee jerk measure designed to appeal to the voters without much thought gone into it.


Can't see it working somehow.

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wait while they start working at your place and undercutting your wage and see who the boss keeps on :loopy:


Are you suggesting that the executive sector are only interested in their bottom line, and that they will happily cut jobs and mercilessly exploit desperate migrant workers?

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heres a start http://www.focus-fen.net/index.php?id=n302473 i wonder if they still want to come and live here ?


And so it starts. They're all running scared of the threat from UKIP and are desperate to regain the initiative from them. So Cameron wants to stop them getting council houses. Clegg wants to slap a cash bond on migrants. And Miliband doesn't even know what Miliband wants, apart from we are all "one nation", whatever that means.


One thing is for sure, all three have proved they can't be trusted on immigration.

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I wonder how many 'migrant workers' actually live in free housing? I have a number of Polish neighbours, all living in the private rental sector.


Do they qualify for housing benefit, if so its still subsidised, private or public housing.

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