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What do non-smokers think of e-cigarettes?

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At the risk of starting some kind of flaming and abuse, I was wondering what non-smokers think of the current trend to taking up e-cigarettes (by smokers obviously).


I've been a pretty heavy smoker for probably 40+ years. I've tried to give up by going 'cold turkey'. That didn't work! God help anyone who even remotely upset me...I was a true demon!! I've tried the patches, and couldn't get on with those (they gave me a vile taste in my mouth within seconds of applying the patch). I've tried the various tablets (champix) which didn't work either.


Now I've tried the e-cigarettes. I bought one last week (sat), and I've not had a 'proper' cigarette since. Which is something of a miracle for me, considering how long I've been smoking and the various methods I've tried to give up.


Basically, e-cigs are in their infancy. But as far as I'm concerned they 'work' (for me). You still get the nicotine 'hit', which is of course the addiction in the first place. You still get the illusion of actually smoking, cos it vaguely 'looks' like smoking. I can relax in my home on the settee and 'have a smoke'. Knowing it's not harming me, or anyone else (whereas I always 'smoked' outside previously). The 'apparent' smoke is purely and simply water vapour, so not harmful to anyone. Best of all, is that the cost is minimal compared with buying 'real' cigarettes.


SO....The question is: Lets say you're a non smoker, and someone sits next to you in a pub or a shopping centre and smokes an e-cig. Would you object? (bearing in mind that non-smokers exhale...it's just that you can't 'see' it. The e-cig only generates water vapour)

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Someone walked into where I work with one of those on the other week. Everyone looked really shocked, including me. Now it might have been subliminal, or maybe he recently smoked a real fag, but I was sure I could smell fag smoke!


If you use them at home, or in the street, they're probably ok but we've all got used to not seeing people smoking indoors, why go back to the bad old days?

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Its not smoking,as theres no smoke,so how can it be of any harm to the people who are not using it.

It does provide a nicotine boost to the user which is a chemical no matter what you want to call it,and it can be adictive.

If its not causing harm how can non-smokers complain


However-I have a mate who bought one of these a few years ago,basically to try and stop smoking

But he is still using it years later,and quite often,which is not what these are designed for, according to the makers:huh:

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well done for using this i got one but keep putting off a start date :thumbsup:


Start date?...Just use it!...I'm totally gobsmacked...utterly and totally at how easy it's been (for me).


All I did was convince myself that it's purely and simply an addiction to the nicotine (which it is)....I still get my nicotine 'fix' and it's really been a 'piece of cake'.


Go for it!


---------- Post added 24-03-2013 at 10:15 ----------


Someone walked into where I work with one of those on the other week. Everyone looked really shocked, including me. Now it might have been subliminal, or maybe he recently smoked a real fag, but I was sure I could smell fag smoke!


If you use them at home, or in the street, they're probably ok but we've all got used to not seeing people smoking indoors, why go back to the bad old days?


But the point is...it's NOT the bad old days!...It's not harmful to anyone, including the 'smoker'


---------- Post added 24-03-2013 at 10:19 ----------


Its not smoking,as theres no smoke,so how can it be of any harm to the people who are not using it.

It does provide a nicotine boost to the user which is a chemical no matter what you want to call it,and it can be adictive.

If its not causing harm how can non-smokers complain


However-I have a mate who bought one of these a few years ago,basically to try and stop smoking

But he is still using it years later,and quite often,which is not what these are designed for, according to the makers:huh:


The way I see it, is even if it doesn't make me quit...so what?....It's not causing me any harm (as far as I know)...it's not causing anyone else any harm, and it's by far and away MUCH cheaper than 'proper' cigarettes.


However, if the government decide to start taxing it, as they do 'real' cigarettes, then in my mind that pure hipocracy.

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A guy started using one in our local pub. It smelt a bit like a compost heap.

Land Lady chucked him out to a round of applause. I think that sums it up.


God knows what he was smoking then, cos it 'doesn't' smell!!!

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A guy started using one in our local pub. It smelt a bit like a compost heap.

Land Lady chucked him out to a round of applause. I think that sums it up.

or maybe she was fed up of the none smokers saying hes smoking in here and wasnt brave enough to tell them he wasnt:suspect:
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Start date?...Just use it!...I'm totally gobsmacked...utterly and totally at how easy it's been (for me).


All I did was convince myself that it's purely and simply an addiction to the nicotine (which it is)....I still get my nicotine 'fix' and it's really been a 'piece of cake'.



Aren't you encouraging folks to subject their bodies to unknown and potentially harmful untested chemicals? Do you have any medical training? The reason I ask that is because medical experts around the world are calling for a ban on e-cigs due to the toxins that have been found in them, and as a result they are banned in many civilized countries.


So it just seems a bit unwise to start recommending other folks to poison themselves with the same toxins that you are prepared to inhale.


---------- Post added 24-03-2013 at 10:48 ----------


God knows what he was smoking then, cos it 'doesn't' smell!!!


How would you know? Most smokers don't realise that they stink of fags.

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