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What do non-smokers think of e-cigarettes?

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At the risk of starting some kind of flaming and abuse, I was wondering what non-smokers think of the current trend to taking up e-cigarettes (by smokers obviously).


I've been a pretty heavy smoker for probably 40+ years. I've tried to give up by going 'cold turkey'. That didn't work! God help anyone who even remotely upset me...I was a true demon!! I've tried the patches, and couldn't get on with those (they gave me a vile taste in my mouth within seconds of applying the patch). I've tried the various tablets (champix) which didn't work either.


Now I've tried the e-cigarettes. I bought one last week (sat), and I've not had a 'proper' cigarette since. Which is something of a miracle for me, considering how long I've been smoking and the various methods I've tried to give up.


Basically, e-cigs are in their infancy. But as far as I'm concerned they 'work' (for me). You still get the nicotine 'hit', which is of course the addiction in the first place. You still get the illusion of actually smoking, cos it vaguely 'looks' like smoking. I can relax in my home on the settee and 'have a smoke'. Knowing it's not harming me, or anyone else (whereas I always 'smoked' outside previously). The 'apparent' smoke is purely and simply water vapour, so not harmful to anyone. Best of all, is that the cost is minimal compared with buying 'real' cigarettes.


SO....The question is: Lets say you're a non smoker, and someone sits next to you in a pub or a shopping centre and smokes an e-cig. Would you object? (bearing in mind that non-smokers exhale...it's just that you can't 'see' it. The e-cig only generates water vapour)


You did put it on your arm and not in your mouth right?



(Sorry if it been said lol can't be arsed to read the thread)

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well a 20ml bottle of liquid lasts me 4 weeks and it costs £4.99 from exhale. and they have a starter pack for £29 then all you have to buy then is your liquid


Or you could stop using nicotine at all and then it would cost NO money.Yes, I was a nicotine addict for 30 odd years.

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I notice that someone has put every airline has banned them, just like the real things but, you get on ANY flight and within half hour of being airborne they are coming round flogging cigarettes, talk about double standards.


Our pub sells condoms but they get upset if you use them in the public bar. Is that double standards?

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I'm a bit confused here. If folks are using an E fag as a method of quitting smoking I cannot understand why they are bothered that they cannot smoke them where they want. Having the same restrictions as ordinary fags is not much of an inconvenience if you are seriously trying to quit.

It just seems like some folk are a bit miffed about not being able to smoke proper fags where they would like to, and think that buying an E fag will allow then to do just that. It won't.

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Because they contain a highly addictive drug that like it or not, when obtained from tobacco, blights millions of lives.


Nicotine addiction should not be encouraged.


You've not answered my questions, but lots of activities and habits we have can be high risk and have severe consequences, not sure of your point?


How is it been encouraged? They're already addicted, thats the idea of the e-fags so you don't have the withdrawls or smoke as many real fags which can be harmful.


---------- Post added 25-03-2013 at 01:16 ----------


I doubt even Nazi Germany would've banned ban e-fags.


Watch this episode of South Park and and lighten'up!




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