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What do non-smokers think of e-cigarettes?

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Could I ask if you speak from personal experience, or supposition?

I smoked 60 plus Park Drive a day and tried the patch,chewing gum etc route with no success a doctor told me just to go cold turkey, never smoked or wanted one since.The craving is worst on day one and after a week it is gone.Will power is key.

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The only way to stop smoking is to - Stop Smoking, not substitute one dummy for another.


Well clearly yes, the only way to stop smoking is to actually stop smoking! There are however several products available to assist you in giving up the ciggies and the e-cig seems to be working a treat for many.

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Well clearly yes, the only way to stop smoking is to actually stop smoking! There are however several products available to assist you in giving up the ciggies and the e-cig seems to be working a treat for many.

They must contain nicotine or a substitute to stop the craving, don't see how that can help to stop smoking

just the craving.

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I smoked 60 plus Park Drive a day and tried the patch,chewing gum etc route with no success a doctor told me just to go cold turkey, never smoked or wanted one since.The craving is worst on day one and after a week it is gone.Will power is key.


Well that's brilliant for you but unfortunately it's not the same for everyone. As you well know, what works for some, doesn't for others. We're all individuals. We all have our own tinpot ways of doing things.


You might think I'm merely substituting one dummy for another, and of course you're entitled to that opinion. But from my perspective, I've taken the first steps on a road that I didn't even contemplate before, or at least not seriously.


I stopped smoking 'proper' cigarettes for over a week now, and I'm quite proud of that. I'm not inhaling all the toxins that are contained in a 'proper' cigarette. My intention is to reduce the strength of the nicotine that I'm smoking and reduce the frequency of it's intake to a point where I can't be bothered with it any more. I don't expect miracles overnight.


Even if I never managed to quit the e-cigs. It's costing me a fraction of the cost of the ridiculously taxed 'proper' cigs. My breath doesn't smell, my teeth stay clean, my clothes don't smell, my hair doesn't smell, and it's not harming me, or anyone else around me (as far as I'm aware). It's far more healthy (to me) than the 'proper' fags.

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Well that's brilliant for you but unfortunately it's not the same for everyone. As you well know, what works for some, doesn't for others. We're all individuals. We all have our own tinpot ways of doing things.


You might think I'm merely substituting one dummy for another, and of course you're entitled to that opinion. But from my perspective, I've taken the first steps on a road that I didn't even contemplate before, or at least not seriously.


I stopped smoking 'proper' cigarettes for over a week now, and I'm quite proud of that. I'm not inhaling all the toxins that are contained in a 'proper' cigarette. My intention is to reduce the strength of the nicotine that I'm smoking and reduce the frequency of it's intake to a point where I can't be bothered with it any more. I don't expect miracles overnight.


Even if I never managed to quit the e-cigs. It's costing me a fraction of the cost of the ridiculously taxed 'proper' cigs. My breath doesn't smell, my teeth stay clean, my clothes don't smell, my hair doesn't smell, and it's not harming me, or anyone else around me (as far as I'm aware). It's far more healthy (to me) than the 'proper' fags.

Well done for half quitting the second half will be the hardest step no easy option just go for it.

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They're a great idea, it takes alot of willpower to stop cold turkey and some people can't or don't wanna go thru that.

If an e-cig can help them slowly stop at a rate they feel comfortable at then why not.


Problem is smokers bring a nice bit of coin into the government's coffers, what will we do if everyone kicks the habit?

Tax apples and oranges?

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They're a great idea, it takes alot of willpower to stop cold turkey and some people can't or don't wanna go thru that.

If an e-cig can help them slowly stop at a rate they feel comfortable at then why not.


Problem is smokers bring a nice bit of coin into the government's coffers, what will we do if everyone kicks the habit?

Tax apples and oranges?


Exactly. If they were that concerned about everyone's health they'd just ban smoking outright.

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Firstly I'd like to point out that I don't really care if someone next to me is inhaling from a fake cig or a real one, as long as I'm not eating.


As far as I'm aware while there is no evidence to say that E-Cigs are harmful for people passively inhaling, there is also no evidence to say that they are not harmful. This is probably why many establishments are not allowing them to be used.


But I also have to ask the same question that someone posted earlier; why is it a problem to use them outside only if you are using them to try to give up smoking? Either way you're just substituting nicotine in another form as far as I can tell

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