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What do non-smokers think of e-cigarettes?

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No reply cos there isn't one (I'll of course be prepared to be wrong, but I've not seen one!)


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New York Moves Towards Total E-Cigarette Ban // Unanimous 125-0 Vote Follows Email From ASH


The New York State Assembly has voted overwhelmingly 125-0 to ban e-cigarettes [e-cigs]; a product which has already been banned in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Mexico, and New Zealand, restricted in Finland, Malaysia, and Singapore, pending restriction in the UK as a drug, and the subject of law suits by attorneys general in several states, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, Executive Director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH).

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However-I have a mate who bought one of these a few years ago,basically to try and stop smoking

But he is still using it years later,and quite often,which is not what these are designed for, according to the makers:huh:


No. Modern e devices are designed notn only to help people quit smoking, but also for those who wish to a maintain a long term nicotine usage without the harmful effects of smoking.


It's called 'vaping', and is a nicotine delivery system usually combined with a variety of 'flavours' so the user can customise their vaping experience to their personal requirements.


Long term nicotine use is not considered harmful, once the toxic elements of tobacco are out of the equation

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Why the evasion? Is it a difficult question?


The source for your other claim too, pleeease.




New York Moves Towards Total E-Cigarette Ban // Unanimous 125-0 Vote Follows Email From ASH


The New York State Assembly has voted overwhelmingly 125-0 to ban e-cigarettes [e-cigs]; a product which has already been banned in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Mexico, and New Zealand, restricted in Finland, Malaysia, and Singapore, pending restriction in the UK as a drug, and the subject of law suits by attorneys general in several states, says public interest law professor John Banzhaf, Executive Director of Action on Smoking and Health (ASH).



The source for any reputable reference that they are safe and not being banned PLEEEEAAASE..:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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Aren't you encouraging folks to subject their bodies to unknown and potentially harmful untested chemicals? Do you have any medical training? The reason I ask that is because medical experts around the world are calling for a ban on e-cigs due to the toxins that have been found in them, and as a result they are banned in many civilized countries.


Rubbish! Some medical experts have called for bans- not because e-cigs are harmful, but because some specific e-cigs have been found to be faulty. That's not an issue with e-cigs in general, but with a few dodgy ones.


Other medical experts (the ones who know what they're talking about) have called for better regulation, as they know that e-cigs properly manufactured and regulated are safe (and much, much better in health terms than cigarettes).


Many many manufacturers of quality e-cigs/vaping devices are also calling for regualation, as they're also concerned about dubious manufacturers of e-cigs with low quality control.

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all smoking is a addiction to nicotine,using e cigs or sprays or lozenges is a good way of getting your fix,no toxins or tar,no harm to you or anyone near you.people should be encouraging smokers to use these instead of critising them.too many self-rightous people on here

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Oh well. 5 minutes down the line...


Perhaps not everyone is as sad as you and spends every waking minute on this thread..




So you think I'm sad...Oh well...never mind....A mod need to be 'sad' to keep trolls off the forum!


That link is an argument to reclassify them as being medicinal...Not to ban them?...


We need another link to say they're harmful, and LOADS of countries have banned them as harmful!

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