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What do non-smokers think of e-cigarettes?

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The New York State Assembly has voted overwhelmingly 125-0 to ban e-cigarettes [e-cigs]; a product which has already been banned in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Israel, Mexico, and New Zealand

They've been banned in Australia because they class nicotine as a form of poison. It's not that they consider ecigs as "dangerous" - just that their legislation hasn't opened them up yet.


They're banned in Brazil pending any proof that they are safe, which equally doesn't yet mean they are to be considered as "dangerous".


Ecigs are not banned in Canada, just the sale of the nicotine that fills it.


This is all moot anyway, because a country banning something does not automatically conclude that said country is correct. You need to agree with their reasoning. What place is it of the state to control what I choose to inhale, as long as I only harm myself?

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I started a thread about the Man City fan who had one at the Chelsea game, he was thrown out & his season ticket revoked. I'm sorry but people want to quit smoking and see this as an easy clean alternative, I was out last Sunday dinner and a woman had one & I asked what they were like.


She said brilliant and she does without fags and uses this, she seemed a bit conscious using it but landlord was fine and there was zero smell coming from it.


People just seem to be so ignorant & intolerant of smokers, I do feel sorry for them no matter what they do, they can't do right for wrong, just leave them alone.


It's funny until 5 years ago they lived hand in hand in tolerance, but since the ban its just been a witch hunt, just glad the witchfinder generals no longer exist.


People are just so narrow minded, I would not mind but when smokers go out for a fag, they are followed by non smokers as pubs and that are empty, YOU CANNOT HAVE IT ALL WAYS.

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At the risk of starting some kind of flaming and abuse, I was wondering what non-smokers think of the current trend to taking up e-cigarettes (by smokers obviously).


I've been a pretty heavy smoker for probably 40+ years. I've tried to give up by going 'cold turkey'. That didn't work! God help anyone who even remotely upset me...I was a true demon!! I've tried the patches, and couldn't get on with those (they gave me a vile taste in my mouth within seconds of applying the patch). I've tried the various tablets (champix) which didn't work either.


Now I've tried the e-cigarettes. I bought one last week (sat), and I've not had a 'proper' cigarette since. Which is something of a miracle for me, considering how long I've been smoking and the various methods I've tried to give up.


Basically, e-cigs are in their infancy. But as far as I'm concerned they 'work' (for me). You still get the nicotine 'hit', which is of course the addiction in the first place. You still get the illusion of actually smoking, cos it vaguely 'looks' like smoking. I can relax in my home on the settee and 'have a smoke'. Knowing it's not harming me, or anyone else (whereas I always 'smoked' outside previously). The 'apparent' smoke is purely and simply water vapour, so not harmful to anyone. Best of all, is that the cost is minimal compared with buying 'real' cigarettes.


SO....The question is: Lets say you're a non smoker, and someone sits next to you in a pub or a shopping centre and smokes an e-cig. Would you object? (bearing in mind that non-smokers exhale...it's just that you can't 'see' it. The e-cig only generates water vapour)


i bought one 5 weeks ago now and havent touched a cig since its been a massive help to my fitness as i have got to do a 1.5 mile run with the army in two weeks i actually prefer these to normal cigs now as the different flavours definatly taste better just without all the toxins through smoke,,happy days :)



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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I started a thread about the Man City fan who had one at the Chelsea game, he was thrown out & his season ticket revoked. I'm sorry but people want to quit smoking and see this as an easy clean alternative, I was out last Sunday dinner and a woman had one & I asked what they were like.


She said brilliant and she does without fags and uses this, she seemed a bit conscious using it but landlord was fine and there was zero smell coming from it.


People just seem to be so ignorant & intolerant of smokers, I do feel sorry for them no matter what they do, they can't do right for wrong, just leave them alone.


It's funny until 5 years ago they lived hand in hand in tolerance, but since the ban its just been a witch hunt, just glad the witchfinder generals no longer exist.


People are just so narrow minded, I would not mind but when smokers go out for a fag, they are followed by non smokers as pubs and that are empty, YOU CANNOT HAVE IT ALL WAYS.


Man City have banned e-cigarettes from being used in and around the ground, these were the terms of use that the season ticket agreed to when he purchased his ticket. If I had to speculate as to the reason why, I'd think that it would make it really difficult to police the smoking ban in big crowds.

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Aren't you encouraging folks to subject their bodies to unknown and potentially harmful untested chemicals



The chemicals used in e-cigarettes are amongst the most tested on the planet for human consumption.


So you're wrong there, as well.


Still, why stop with one misapprehension when you've got such a magnificent collection of them?

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Man City have banned e-cigarettes from being used in and around the ground, these were the terms of use that the season ticket agreed to when he purchased his ticket. If I had to speculate as to the reason why, I'd think that it would make it really difficult to police the smoking ban in big crowds.


JFK I do understand that fella, but my main gripe is people are trying to kick the habit, but no mater what they do they are castigated & ostricised.

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I started a thread about the Man City fan who had one at the Chelsea game, he was thrown out & his season ticket revoked. I'm sorry but people want to quit smoking and see this as an easy clean alternative, I was out last Sunday dinner and a woman had one & I asked what they were like.


She said brilliant and she does without fags and uses this, she seemed a bit conscious using it but landlord was fine and there was zero smell coming from it.


People just seem to be so ignorant & intolerant of smokers, I do feel sorry for them no matter what they do, they can't do right for wrong, just leave them alone.


It's funny until 5 years ago they lived hand in hand in tolerance, but since the ban its just been a witch hunt, just glad the witchfinder generals no longer exist.


People are just so narrow minded, I would not mind but when smokers go out for a fag, they are followed by non smokers as pubs and that are empty, YOU CANNOT HAVE IT ALL WAYS.


Well I'm glad to report that the narrow minded amongst us are far and few between; I've been using e-cigs for over a year now, I've vaped in pubs, trams, trains, buses, friends houses and just about everywhere I've been and not once has anyone pulled me up on it.


I'd be interested to know what pub Uptowngirl frequents so that I could avoid it but she wouldn't tell us on another thread she spouted the same nonsense she has here.

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JFK I do understand that fella, but my main gripe is people are trying to kick the habit, but no mater what they do they are castigated & ostricised.


The last two sound painful and I would give up it meant avoiding ostricisation,and castigation.

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The chemicals used in e-cigarettes are amongst the most tested on the planet for human consumption.


So you're wrong there, as well.


Still, why stop with one misapprehension when you've got such a magnificent collection of them?


So getting back to the original question!...If I sat beside you in a pub and puffed on an e-gig. Would that be an 'issue' for you?

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The chemicals used in e-cigarettes are amongst the most tested on the planet for human consumption.


So you're wrong there, as well.


Still, why stop with one misapprehension when you've got such a magnificent collection of them?


I like it when folk think they are better qualified than medical professionals.




The Food and Drug Administration has announced a warning on electronic cigarettes, also known as “e-cigarettes,” after a lab analysis found that they contain carcinogens and toxic chemicals such as diethylene glycol, an ingredient used in antifreeze that may be harmful to humans. E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices that generally contain cartridges filled with nicotine, flavor, and other chemicals that are inhaled by the user.

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