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The Secrets of Life

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Money brings things to life, just look at what the lack of brings, Namely Grease, Portugal the rest and recently Cyprus. You need money to eat, buy beer. Watch the hike in stats die as 30-40 boost the undertaking industry this year in the UK because they can't afford to stay warm, or eat enough.


You can: feel, love, hate, see, hear, touch, taste and everything else with it, and lack of it makes many feel suicidal, about 6000 a year are lured into the afterlife because there is not enough of it in their life’s.


Money decides what life forms lives and what dies, as the lure of riches poisons the earth, seas, as well as ground-waters.


What else has such power over life and death, with almost paranormal abilities, where the stroke of a pen causes death and destruction in one place, while partying and celebration in another.


Money kills millions due to lack of it, through famine and disease, but this is not about a wage slip that the prosperous and hopeful worship for a few moments now and again. Never underestimate the power of money, introduced to the world first by China. Its magical lure, that even wage slaves become intoxicated through, as without it they cannot afford the elixir that intoxication brings, can they?


So dream on, with pseudo religious clap trap, where materialism is trash, tell that to the starving millions and those now embracing the seductive warmth of disease induced death. Its so fantastic to feel superior, from the comfort of an armchair, and postulate on things one knows so little about. Why not have cup of coffee, tea, and as you place them in your cup, lift it to your ear, and smile, whilst listening to the screams and moans of those that suffered so much to bring you such luxuries.


One can rally appreciate suffering, and the power of money. I’m off just now to buy more symbols of pain and suffering, to fill my home with. Bye for now!


All the above ... electrons.



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