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Jaffa cakes? Bun or Biscuit?

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Jaffa Cakes The finest snack known to humankind...

But the greatest question of all?

Is it a bun? or is it a biscuit?

surely the term "Jaffa cake" implies it is a bun yet all supermarkets, shops and reputable food outlets stock them on the biscuit aisle......... :loopy:

Opinions if any?

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Originally posted by jackthedog

we eat many of them from a packet, with a cup of tea. So biscuit it is for me...

Very true I have been known to demolish a packet infront of some mindless TV in one of my moments of existential blankness, but Ive also done to same to a packet of fairy cakes and mince pies :thumbsup::P

I will eat anything when in existential blankness mood....:loopy: I once nearly ate the remote out of sheer despair!


I digress....Jaffa cakes have the spongey base so by right it is surely a cake! albeit a small bite size cake! :thumbsup:

Oooooo wouldnt it be good if they make an actual huge Jaffa cake! :wow:

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Originally posted by Mosherchik

Oooooo wouldnt it be good if they make an actual huge Jaffa cake! :wow:[/color]



No, the orange stuff is not actually very nice in large quantities. It really is an extremely fine balance between the two parts of a Jaffa Cake, and the current style meets this balance just right.


Although if they made a big one, you could use a pizza cutter to slice it up, which is quite cool.

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Sorry to be boring but there was a really famous tax case about this, we pay VAT on biscuits but not on cakes (i know it makes no sense). I think the jist of it was that the Inland Revenue said that although Jaffa Cakes are called cakes they are biscuits and therefore VAT should be paid. In the end it was proved that Jaffa Cakes - although marketing similarly to a biscuit - in fact use a cake like sponge so are officially cakes - so no VAT.


still ridiculously expensive though (but very yummy)

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To quote Jonny on 2 pints of lager and a bag of crisps last night....


"I got my lovely crunchy biscuit , I'm gonna say it again 'case ya missed it, I ain't dunkin' a jaffa like a biscuit"


Man that song cracked me up :lol:

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Originally posted by Jayne

Sorry to be boring but there was a really famous tax case about this, we pay VAT on biscuits but not on cakes (i know it makes no sense).

We pay VAT on biscuits!!!!!!!

Blimey learn summat new every day! Digestives....those money pinching fiends!

Will eat more cakes in future to save my pounds and no doubt gain a few :wink:

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

The finest biscuit HAS to be (without a doubt) Chocolate Covered Hob Nobs. They are amazing.


Only if they are plain chocolate ones. The milk chocy ones are OK but they don't cut the mustard like the plain chocolate ones.



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Originally posted by Rich

To quote Jonny on 2 pints of lager and a bag of crisps last night....


"I got my lovely crunchy biscuit , I'm gonna say it again 'case ya missed it, I ain't dunkin' a jaffa like a biscuit"


Man that song cracked me up :lol:


I've seen that episode at least 5 times since it was first screened at Christmas - gotta be one of the funniest programs ever :D

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