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Archer Lane / Bannerdale Road jct

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Can't see a previous link to this - but I use this (see link) junction regularly from Archer Lane coming into it from Struan Road. I have found that most users (those in front of me and those waiting) think I have the right of way as I am going straight on along Archer Lane.


But recently a driver from Bannerdale Road, coming into the junction from my right, drove directly across, forcing me to stop suddenly, and was very unapologetic (many interesting hand signals, none in highway code) when I expressed surprise.


I tried typing all the permutations out in this entry but it looked silly - my understanding is that I have RoW as I am crossing only 1 set of lines.


So whilst I always look carefully, and enter the junction ready for any eventuality, am I right to say it's my RoW?



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Junctions like these are stupid in my opinion. There's another one in Nether Edge as well that's the same. Why not just make it a proper cross-roads with one road having right of way ?

I tend to give way to the traffic from the right so would probably give way to the cars from Bannerdale on the right but it's been many years since I looked at a highway code so if I'm wrong, I'm sure somebody will be along soon shortly to point out my complete lack of road sense and that I'm a danger on the roads :hihi:

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As far as i can tell from the link, the only direction that has right of way are those coming "down" archer lane (from the top of the picture) as they don't have any give way lines. All other approaches have to give way, with none having priority over others.


As far as I can see it's the exact opposite - you've only right of way going up Archer Lane - from the Carter Knowle, and not the Edgedale end.



(Which is what the OP said, isn't it?)

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Argh Flying Duck you are right - really sorry, due to late hour and desire to keep Mrs Dog happy, I missed the obvious part. What i meant was all the above EXCEPT that of course anything coming down Archer Lane has the first priority!!


Many apologies - in my defence there is not usually anything coming from that direction when I negotiate the junction so the query is all about the remaining entry points and who should wait for whom...

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I know the junction well. It is generally fairly quiet here during the day, so I can't say that I've had any issue here, however, the best way to approach these odd junctions, is to assume that everyone else is an idiot. Patience and courtesy generally works.


There is a slightly staggered junction near where I live. The number of 'accidents' that have occurred here over the years is beyond belief.




As I approach this junction to turn right, it never ceases to amaze me, the number of drivers turning into my path from the road on the left, think they have right of way over me.

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I know the junction well. It is generally fairly quiet here during the day, so I can't say that I've had any issue here, however, the best way to approach these odd junctions, is to assume that everyone else is an idiot. Patience and courtesy generally works.


Agree, although it might be more generous to assume that everybody else has right of way.


Interesting to add that I remember reading some research where they took away all road markings and it actually made the junctions safer because it forced drivers to make eye contact and be more courteous. I find this is what usually happens at these junctions, so the aggressive driver that Diamond Dog met was just a nob.


Having said that I recall the words of my driving instructor, and my dad for that matter, advising "if in doubt give way to the right".


Any logic flies out of the window at the Nether Edge junction mentioned, where the minority traffic down Barkers Rd always gives way to the majority traffic down Osborne Rd, and this seems to be just evolved protocol.

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I lived on Bannerdale Road for many years and still live in the area. It was always accepted that traffic in either direction on Archer Lane had priority over traffic on Bannerdale Road. If this was stuck to no one would have a problem.

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