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Shocking new level of Racism in Israel exposed .

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The fact is this .


The black Jews have a more of a connection with Isreal than the Europeans who now reside there . Hence the extreme racism towards the black Jew .


If as you claim the government of Israel hates black Jews, why are they letting them immigrate into the country?

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You wouldn't be so dismissive if it was your usual target practice - Muslims.


How do you know it is disinformation? It is on many other channels and Israel is an apartheid state.

Here are some nice Israelis demanding Africans get deported... sounds like your type of people Mecks.




Because it is from RT which is always anti-western, even if it means hating Israel just because it is supported by the West. It is also clear on which side of the fence the OP sits yet he accuses other people of being recist. That said, the Israel / Palestine problem is not a racist problem, is it?


The other issue is that how do you know that I'm not keen on muslims since you joined the forum on 18/11/20125 and I've not posted much on here over the last couple of months? Just how many usernames do you have?

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if Israel is such a racist country and blacks have such a bad time there, then why is it that African refugees cannot wait to get out of Egypt and totally ignore everywhere else even if they are as rich as Israel like UAE and Saudi and make a beeline for the border?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Not many Middle-East democracies, are there?


Iran has had many many elections ( yet we are putting them under sanctions etc )


So did the people of Palastine ,


But what is a democracie? Is it really freedom ? Just look at Us and mainly USA , it's the rich corporations who own control and run the governments .


---------- Post added 16-04-2013 at 23:29 ----------


What’s racist about making birth control a condition of immigration?


It's like saying south Africa apartheid had a fair system also ? Isn't it ?


---------- Post added 16-04-2013 at 23:30 ----------


A better way to describe RT is Russian State Propaganda - ie. mouthpiece for the Putin regime.


How is this story pro Putin as you suggest ?


---------- Post added 16-04-2013 at 23:34 ----------


if Israel is such a racist country and blacks have such a bad time there, then why is it that African refugees cannot wait to get out of Egypt and totally ignore everywhere else even if they are as rich as Israel like UAE and Saudi and make a beeline for the border?


Yes Israel is a very racists country . Easily the most on this planet , unless south Africa apartheid was introduced .



No on is saying they are not letting now blacks Jews in , they do have much of a harder time than the white European Jews who are given instant citizenship if they can prove ( something like if one of Thier parents was Jew....?)



Which other nation gives birth control injections to ONLY its black migrants ?


Or Too any one , thinking about it .

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Not many Middle-East democracies, are there?


There's two present democracies I can mention - Palestine and Lebanon.


And guess what? israel recently bombed them back to the stones ages.


And two more that were democracies a couple of decades ago - Iran and Iraq. And the USA overthrew their democratically-elected leaders with hated dictators.


For a society that allegedly promotes democracy in the Middle East, Western powers have a very funny way of showing it.


Just how much military and financial aid was Mubarak given to oppress his own people? I think the figure was something in the region of billions per year.

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why is it that as soon as someone diss's jews everyone is very nasty towards them, is the point to discuss in an adult manner, but whenever Israel is mentioned in a bad light, vitreol comes out in reply, people have the right to an opinion, personally i think israel create their own problems stealing palestinian land, but thats my abd the UN's point of view!!



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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