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Shocking new level of Racism in Israel exposed .

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some Israelis have a lot of kids, compared to others. Muslim Arab Israelis do (but not Christian Arab Israelis). Observant religous Jewish Israelis do, but not seculars (who still nevertheless have more kids than most Europeans). Ethiopian Jews are one of those groups of Israelis that have more kids than average. The overall Israeli birth rate is very high for a developed country, much higher than anywhere in Europe - about the same as Dominican Republic or South Africa.

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You're like that Jason Bourne. You don't know anything about Israel at all. You've never been there.


And I didn't need to visit South Africa in the 1980s to experience the horrors of Apartheid.


But I did.


So what's your point anyway?


You are very good at one thing, callippo - avoiding the issue and sending the debate off an a tangent.


Please, just confine the Zionist entity known as 'israel' to her 1967 borders, and allow Palestinians the right to live freely in Gaza and West Bank without interference from 'israel' or harassment from Ultra Zionists and I will stop posting and go away.


Whaddya say?

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More in the forced sterilisation :




Israel's health ministry has admitted to injecting Ethiopian Jewish women on their way to Israel with a birth control drug. It follows increasing publicity to the claim that it was administered without patient consent in a population control bid.




The official acknowledgement came on Sunday with the publication of a letter written by Ron Gamzu, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, in response to comments made by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI). The letter, published in Haaretz, ordered several organizations treating Ethiopian immigrants to immediately cease administering Depo-Provera injections to them.


The Israeli government had previously denied that it was administering the contraceptive drugs in a deliberate attempt to cut the birth rate among poor black immigrants.


Gamzu's letter stated that gynecologists currently treating Ethiopian women at Health Ministry-associated clinics should not renew prescriptions for the drug if there was a possibility that the patient did not understand “the ramifications of the treatment,” and to procure translators from now on if needed.


In a letter to Gamzu, ACRI had accused Israeli authorities of “a paternalistic, haughty and racist attitude” that limits the freedom of Ethiopian immigrants to choose their birth control method.





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More in the forced sterilisation :




Israel's health ministry has admitted to injecting Ethiopian Jewish women on their way to Israel with a birth control drug. It follows increasing publicity to the claim that it was administered without patient consent in a population control bid.




The official acknowledgement came on Sunday with the publication of a letter written by Ron Gamzu, the director general of the Israeli Health Ministry, in response to comments made by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI). The letter, published in Haaretz, ordered several organizations treating Ethiopian immigrants to immediately cease administering Depo-Provera injections to them.


The Israeli government had previously denied that it was administering the contraceptive drugs in a deliberate attempt to cut the birth rate among poor black immigrants.


Gamzu's letter stated that gynecologists currently treating Ethiopian women at Health Ministry-associated clinics should not renew prescriptions for the drug if there was a possibility that the patient did not understand “the ramifications of the treatment,” and to procure translators from now on if needed.


In a letter to Gamzu, ACRI had accused Israeli authorities of “a paternalistic, haughty and racist attitude” that limits the freedom of Ethiopian immigrants to choose their birth control method.






Surely if Israeli authorities were racist and didn't like Ethiopian immigrants they would just prevent them immigrating to Israel.


Why would they let people into the country that they don't like, it makes no sense?

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Please, just confine the Zionist entity known as 'israel' to her 1967 borders.

Whaddya say?


I'd say you do not even know, that the 1967 line was never any 'border'. And it is simply incorrect to refer to it as any such thing - although a lot of media outlets do. It was simply where the 1949 Armistice Line was. When the Armistice ceased and the Arabs signalled their intention to start fighting again and war continued in 1967, then the old Armistice line changed again. Only not the way the Arabs would have liked.

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Surely if Israeli authorities were racist and didn't like Ethiopian immigrants they would just prevent them immigrating to Israel.


Why would they let people into the country that they don't like, it makes no sense?


The fact is the Israeli Government IS racists


When they are not forcing BLACK Jews back too Africa they are sterilising them ,


However if your a white European Jew you are given instant citizenship .


There is no doubt about this fact .



There are very strong barriers for back Jews coming too Isreal aren't there ?

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that is just not true on any level. And it is you that is the bigot, for trying to pretend that it is.


try taking a walk down Ben Yehuda street in Tel Aviv sometime. I know you would find it very unsettling, because as you are an antisemite you would be surrounded by a whole lot of Jews which would probably make you feel uncomfortable. However you would also be surrounded by some non-Jews, including Arabs, who use the same amenities, shops, restaurants, toilets, etc as everyone else should they want to.


black or brown, or yellow Jews can get citizenship of the Jewish national home, Israel, under the law of return same as any other Jew. As indeed somebody of a particular ethnicity can be preferred when it comes to taking out citizenship of any one of dozens of other countries, other than Israel. Although it is not impossible for non-Jews, including Arabs, to get Israeli citizenship as well. In fact in the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of non Israeli citizen Palestinian Arabs applying for citizenship, many of which have been approved and who have now become equal Israeli citizens under the law with the same rights as their Jewish counterparts. The relatively few few black Africans that are deported from Israel are illegal immigrants or criminals who are not Israeli citizens, and certainly not African Jews.


you badly need a wake up call mate. Because you haven't got a clue. It is you that is the racist, not Israel.

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Surely if Israeli authorities were racist and didn't like Ethiopian immigrants they would just prevent them immigrating to Israel.


Why would they let people into the country that they don't like, it makes no sense?


Because of the Law of Return http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return


Unfortunately there are some people in Israel who prefer their Jews to be white http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/israeli-jewish-hate-rally-against-africans-tel-aviv-caught-video-haaretz-deletes

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trouble with that, mate, is that you quite often can't tell Arabs apart from Jews when you are in Israel itself. Usually you can but often you can't. It's not like black and white people here in the UK, in South Africa, or in the US. They can look the same, just like French and German or Polish and Czech people can look the same when you see a crowd of people milling around at a bus station. They can wear the same kind of clothes. They can have the same colour skin. They can eat the same kind of food. They go to the same restaurants and toilets. Only when they open their mouths can somebody usually definitely identify them as being either Jewish or Arab. Everybody used to think I was Jewish when I was in Israel. I'd been there for months on end. I'd bought all my clothes there. I'd been under the sun for months so my skin had darkened. People used to come up to me and address me in Hebrew all the time and I really am from western Europe. Just imagine what it is like, if you were born there, and your father and grandfather were born there - even if your great grandfather grew up in Poland or Belgium.

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...Just imagine what it is like, if you were born there, and your father and grandfather were born there - even if your great grandfather grew up in Poland or Belgium.


And once more, the myth that the the 'jews' are only returning to their homeland in Palestine surfaces again... but from your mouth this time, callippo!


Ashkenazi Jews do have a homeland.


It's called Poland.


Stop terrorising the Palestinians.


The Palestinians have done nothing wrong other than live in Palestine minding their own business for several hundred years, until after the second world war when some Eastern Europe 'jews' landed on their coastline and started demanding half of Palestine for a country of their own :roll:

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