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Eurozone on Life Support

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Well, Cyprus has just been saved from certain doom, for now!


And I often wonder why these European countries are so obsessed with keeping the Euro Zone in tact.


Greece, Italy and Cyprus, us next I think.


Just let all countries go their separate ways and begin their new constitutions and currencies if that is what they want.


Why bully people to be in a dying club in the short term to make them even more in debt.


When in the long term them and other countries are screwed beyond all recognition.

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Well, Cyprus has just been saved from certain doom, for now!


And I often wonder why these European countries are so obsessed with keeping the Euro Zone in tact.


Greece, Italy and Cyprus, us next I think.


Just let all countries go their separate ways and begin their new constitutions and currencies if that is what they want.


Why bully people to be in a dying club in the short term to make them even more in debt.


When in the long term them and other countries are screwed beyond all recognition.

Because the Germans cannot help themselves!
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The pound to Euro rate has been bumbling along between sorta 1.1 and 1.2 for a few years, got nearer 1.3 last summer.


As L00b said, Spain, Portugal France, Italy, Greece are all before us on the chopping block.

They may be out of the news, but they are still in worse trouble than we are.


I expect to see Greece and Spain back in the news this summer, probably on the back of weak tourist trade from last year putting them under even more stress.

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Cyprus has been saved has it, like Ireland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and others??????


Well not quite. But it great to know the propaganda works and the plebs devopur the tit-bits.


The FACTS are that the BANKS have been saved, the countries have been TRASHED by the BANKS!!


So maybe people like to overlook the facts,well they are instructed to by the media, its the banks STUPID!!!

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We're not in the € zone, last I checked


We have the freedom to print money, that's what allows us to kick the can down the road.


In fact it's not even printed these days, just created electronically out of thin air.


This is so far away from the idea of money as a store of wealth (as it was under the Gold Standard) as to be laughable.


The reality is that there is not enough real wealth to go around, certainly not enough to cover the giant web of obligations that masquerades as "money."
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Cyprus has been saved has it, like Ireland, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and others??????


Well not quite. But it great to know the propaganda works and the plebs devopur the tit-bits.


The FACTS are that the BANKS have been saved, the countries have been TRASHED by the BANKS!!


So maybe people like to overlook the facts,well they are instructed to by the media, its the banks STUPID!!!


Spot on mate. TBH I don't know all the ins and outs, I don't understand why the debts of a bank as a privately owned institution/company are also the debt of the host nation, but yes the fact is it is the banks once again bringing a country to it's knees.

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I think Germany and the rest of its hanger ons are quite envious of England and the UK because at least we are not on a sinking ship and can get off when ever we want, unlike other countries that have made a pact with the devil and through their own inept pride will never get out and save their own souls and people, ridiculous!

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