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Taking up fishing

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Lot of years since I’ve been but think those who are fishing today may needs a few more clues as to what you’re after.


Such as:

What you’re after. Fishing covers a wide range. Do you want lakes or are you also looking for ponds and rivers. In my experience, size for size, river fish put up a better fight.

If you’ve already got tackle, what its designed for?

Whether you’d be happier pulling out small fry on a regular basis or waiting several hours for a bite from something bigger.

Do you want to sit in one swim tempting fish in or do you want to hunt up and down maybe hunting the predators like pike.

Where you are and what distance you’d be prepared to travel.


Just my $0.02

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In sheffield there are a couple of lakes but nothing I would rave about. There is a lakes near Rother Valley (Aston Ponds). Apparently they are decent but never dont brilliant there. There is arbourthorne pond which is free and that can fish good, plenty of tench and carp in there but not had anything over 8lbs.

if you want somewhere really decent and somewhere you wont forget you will have to travel but is well worth it. Near Coventry - Makin Fisheries. Absolutely brilliant, went there a couple of months ago, had carp, bream, barble. Its only about 1 hour on the motorway.

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