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Premium rate plan to phone the police

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Wonder if SY police have any crazy plans like this?


PEOPLE may have to dial a premium rate line if they want to call North Yorkshire police.


Chief Constable Della Cannings has raised the possibility of raising funds for the force through charging people for calling a proposed new countywide non-emergency number.


But she conceded that the premium rate line idea was "sensitive," and would need careful consideration and analysis.


She warned that it might simply result in more people making free 999 calls - when the new non-emergency number is intended to reduce inappropriate use of the 999 service.


Her concerns were echoed by York MP Hugh Bayley, who said: "I would be very cautious about charging the public for telephoning the police. You might put people off from ringing in with evidence which could help solve a crime.


"It may divert some calls which are not emergencies to the 999 service because people know that is free when you have to pay for the non-emergency number."


Vale of York Tory MP Anne McIntosh said that while she had sympathy with the force's financial difficulties, she would be very reluctant for any public service to impose such a charge.


She also said she would prefer a return to the old system, under which people could actually call their local police station about a local matter.


The premium rate line watchdog body, ICSTIS, said today there was nothing to stop police services introducing premium rate lines, although although its permission would be needed and the force would have to ensure people were informed of the charges payable.


A spokeswoman said possible premium rate charges ranged from 10p per minute to £1.50 per minute, and they began from the moment the phone was answered.


A force spokesman said the new system could reduce 999 calls by using one recognised number, which would be heavily advertised. At the moment, there were 13 numbers around the county, making it difficult for people without easy access to a phone directory to find the number.


The Chief Constable will ask the North Yorkshire Police Authority's strategic planning and best value board to give its views on the premium rate line at its meeting tomorrow


In a report, she said a premium rate line would mean callers paying a premium for their call above the national rate (which is under 10p a minute during the day).


She said: "The premium would result in funding to North Yorkshire Police from calls made to them by members of the public, with the amount of income dependent on the level at which the premium rate line was set."


Police chiefs believe a new non-emergency number, which could be implemented over the next year at a cost of £45,000, would improve emergency call-handling performance and reduce inappropriate use of the 999 system.


Last year, the call-handling system came under fire from residents who said the force must deliver a better service.

From http://www.thisisyork.co.uk/york/news/YORK_NEWS_LOCAL0.html

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What the hell?! So they're going to have to spend something like a quid a minute to talk to their local Plods?!


If this is a Government idea then it proves what I've been saying for years, Politicians are idiots.

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Originally posted by Rich

If this is a Government idea then it proves what I've been saying for years, Politicians are idiots.


Reading the article it states in several places (well 2) that this is an idea coming from the police themselves.:loopy:


IMO, the idiots are the people who dial 999 to find out the number of the nearest pizza delivery or taxi service.

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while they are at it,they could sell raffle tickets for police response.


1st prize instant attention

2nd prize maybe we might come out tonight

3rd prize when weve done harrassing motorists we may pay you a visit


runner up prize we will call and see you within 28 days

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The last time I dialled 2202020 (central switchboard) i'd waited over thirteen minutes for a response, as this is not a free phone then it must be by cost definition a premium rate line already!

Fortunately all I wanted to do was report vandalism and verbal abuse by a group of youths other than murder, terrorism or arson.

So that must be okay then.

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No, sorry, there is no way that is going to happen. They would if they thought they could get away with it, but they can't.


As this Della Cannings person has said: it may big up the 999 calls so much they won't be able to cope.


But I think they might be testing the water for something.....

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