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Has the Earl gone downhill?


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the unfortunate "luck" of being a venue that opens until later than most other peoples is that it becomes a major knobhead magnet. it gets even worse in the last few weeks when we have been open until 6am on some weekend nights.


to date, i can't recall any full-scale fights :), but the last few incidents here were caused by silly folk that have had too much to drink, and resisting efforts by bar staff and doormen to leave the premises in a gentle way...


the policy at the Earl is simple. everyone should be able to have fun their own way. but if any staff or other patrons feel harassed, out you go.


we're starting to really stamp out the "idiots" that subscribe to the "Blades rule" or "Owls rule" mentality. we don't have time for them. but alas, the last six incidents here have happened _outside_ the venue because we won't let that "football hooligans" (for want of a better word) in.


bear with us. we're trying hard.

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I used to have some top nights out at the earl of a weekend but recently I've heard reports of it all going wrong!

Is this true, it was always a little 'edgy' but full scale fights are what I've heard!


Gee, as the owner I wasn't aware of any fights worth mentioning, just the usual tossers here and there from time to time? I actually have less incidents here than any of the other clubs I'm involved in, and by far the best chilled out venue. But as bigbear says, late late bar you will get donkeys. Still having said that I have personally got involved recently to assure anyone that measures, very stern measures have been taken to stop any nonsense. Seems now it's reasonable, but when you are a boozer and the only one that opens to 6am in sheffield, from time to time you're bound to get a drama here and there. :-)

Still we take all that seriously, which is why 20+ CCTV internet remote streamable cameras are installed, and every incident that has ever happened has been so well filmed and documented, that it could be resold as entertainment in any reality TV show! We shall keep on top of it and keep the good times and vibes going.

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No quite simply. Last night there were about 300 people in and it was open until 4 am with both room going, Not one incident all night. There have been a few problems in the last few months but nothing major and certainly nothing like some of the rumours that come back to me.

It's a case of chinese wispers and things get distorted until they contain one nugget of truth and the rest is made up crap. The last major incident that I can recall happened in November and that was stuff that carried on from another pub earlier in the evening.

The last thing the promoters, owners and staff want is trouble or idiots causing trouble as it ruins the hard won reputation of the nights and venue.

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Good stuff!

Appreciate all efforts to remove nobs from the venue!

In my experience the door staff have been some of the best in Sheffield and have sorted any trouble out very quickly.

Its worth the efforts, its a great place with lots of friendly folk, lets beat the killjoys!:thumbsup:

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The Earl is now on the police "stop by root" Which means that they swing by, on their root around London Rd and Bramell Lane.


I have been running Future Funk down there for some time now. And i can safely say, the place is now better than it ever was!


Anybody with an attitude problem is stopped at the door and refused entry!!

On Saturday, the bouncers were brilliant. As was the crowd, music and Vibe.


Next Future Funk: Sat March 4th...come and check us out...bet you like it.

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