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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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No-one will do anything as long as China is stood there, they prevent attacks from and attacks to NK.


from what I hear less than 40% of NK's military can actually be mobilised, but even then they don't have the supplies to actually leave the base.


For example they are so short of jet fuel their fighter pilots get around 10 hours flying time a year :o


---------- Post added 26-03-2013 at 17:06 ----------


Have you seen the NK statement tho, they plan to target US bases on the mainland, Guam and Hawaii.


They don't have anything that can even reach that far, they have problems reaching Japan :hihi:

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I would be very surprised if they took on the U.S.


I think they both take on each other every day..sanctions, missile testing, war of words.


The worry is that both nations are psychologically insecure. The US constantly feeds itself on self congratulation and NK royalty don't give a **** about its people. A combination of real scary stuff.


Taking on the US isn't about winning, its about the damage you can do before you get your butt kicked. Look what damage was done by half a dozen nutters on 9/11 and the US's response internationally, never mind on its own people. Magnify that by millions and add a few nukes

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The NK leaders aren't that stupid tho, they know full well the US will tear over there and destroy the place and more importantly destroy them.


Since NK don't have any allies that will give their leaders sanctuary (no China won't) then the most they can do is posturing and using 'strong words'

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The NK leaders aren't that stupid tho, they know full well the US will tear over there and destroy the place and more importantly destroy them.


Since NK don't have any allies that will give their leaders sanctuary (no China won't) then the most they can do is posturing and using 'strong words'


If both sides are not that stupid then the whole question of conflict is academic beyond the odd skirmish.


You've forgot how destructive NK could be before the US set foot on their soil. NK is not Iraq..with a few scuds and a basement full of nerve gas..it's a nuclear power.


Given the US's readiness and it's military clout I would guess its always ready for war..what it isn't ready for is defeat at the most or hundreds of thousands if not millions of body bags at the least..it's been there in one form or other and its people are still reeling from it to this day.

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You've forgot how destructive NK could be before the US set foot on their soil. NK is not Iraq..with a few scuds and a basement full of nerve gas..it's a nuclear power.




Is it's nuclear capability deliverable to anywhere other than it's own soil..?

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