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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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China is in control of North Korea, this whole crisis has nothing to do with N.K vs S.K & U.S, its China vs U.S! China needs a reason to get rid of the dollar then the Chinese economy will grow at a lightening rate which will make the yen the world strongest currency.


The Chinese do not want a strong currency,and have suppressed its value to boost exports.


The yen is the Japanese currency:hihi::hihi:


The Chinese use the yuan.

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flatten the place and re-build it from scratch....think of all the jobs it would create...


It may create jobs but it would cost a hell of a lot of money to rebuild and whoever bombs them would have to pay.


The USA is estimated to have spent $800 billion just on the Iraq war and some sources claim it has cost several trillion $. Then we have at least an estimated £20 billion that the UK have spent. Wars are very expensive and they way economies are going at the moment no one wants one or can afford one.

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Its his inexperience and youth that I find worrying.
It's his psychosis that disturbs me!


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 23:02 ----------


North Korea is probably the only place in the world where bombing something into the Stone Age could possibly be seen as an improvement.
Apart from Iran, Syria etc.


---------- Post added 04-04-2013 at 23:05 ----------


It was amusing to hear Cameron taking the opportunity to justify Trident today. I actually agree with him on this, but for other reasons, perhaps. It occurs to me that Trident might not be an effective deterrent against an attack on the UK from North Korea, but it would be a marvellous revenge weapon, and you wouldn't want North Korea to survive if they nuked the UK, would you? Don't pretend that you would! :hihi:

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It was amusing to hear Cameron taking the opportunity to justify Trident today. I actually agree with him on this, but for other reasons, perhaps. It occurs to me that Trident might not be an effective deterrent against an attack on the UK from North Korea, but it would be a marvellous revenge weapon, and you wouldn't want North Korea to survive if they nuked the UK, would you? Don't pretend that you would! :hihi:


Interested to know how North Korea could nuke the UK :cool:

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what about turning it into a theme park....the country serves no purpose how it stands today....flatten the place and re-build it from scratch....think of all the jobs it would create...be doing the north koreans a favour....no internet..no tv...and only one radio station...mind you had a good football team in 66...




wouldn't suprise me if S.K or the U.S did strike first


costing the US and SK a fortune every time they start up with the kind of propaganda that belongs in a 1930's b movie.

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Whilst sat in the takeaway today I flicked through The Sun whilst waiting for my meal. What a joke, that sorry excuse for a newspaper is even worse than the Daily Mail and I thought I'd never hear myself say that.

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Whilst sat in the takeaway today I flicked through The Sun whilst waiting for my meal. What a joke, that sorry excuse for a newspaper is even worse than the Daily Mail and I thought I'd never hear myself say that.


You seem to be obsessed with what newspapers people read, and judge them accordingly.


Serious question though, can you honestly name a newspaper that is 100% unbiased?

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You seem to be obsessed with what newspapers people read, and judge them accordingly.


Serious question though, can you honestly name a newspaper that is 100% unbiased?


With that much up to date news on TV and Radio, seriously how News paper companies are still in business I'll never know, all the inaccurate rubbish they print or lies even, and it's all yesterdays news. Why would anyone put money in the Moguls pockets I'll never know. :huh:

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