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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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U.S has been playing war games/training near Korea and Iran.What kind of reaction would the U.S give if Russia/China all of a sudden started playing around off the coast of America?

To think America hasn't been at all provocative,is just ignorant.


So why do you think the US does that in the first place?


---------- Post added 06-04-2013 at 09:58 ----------


I think China are playing a much bigger part in this than they are letting on.


If NK start anything military then I think they will have an ally in China who have their own secret agenda to start trouble with USA and it would be folly to underestimate the Chinese, Russia will then get involved at it will snowball from there.


This young leader has inexperience and a rather large Mouth and that is incredibly worrying!


China, Russia and the USA have the biggest economies in the world, they won't do anything rash to jeopardise their status. You might get US and UN forces bombing military objectives in NK and Russia and China won't like it because they object to anything the West does per se. They will do a bit of mouthing like they always do and possibly supply NK with their obsolete weaponary, but nothing more than that.

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If it wasn't for the US North Korea would have invaded South Korea decades ago.

Who else would have been a deterrent? Britain or France? :hihi:


Wow,you make it sound like a one man band.Im pretty sure many British troops have given their life for Korea in the past.


---------- Post added 06-04-2013 at 13:52 ----------


So why do you think the US does that in the first place?


Which would you prefer,a Political reason? or the we are simply in it for the sake of south Korea version?


The biggest mistake was to split Korea,and make one half a dictatorship and the other democratic.Who thought that would work in the long run?

South Korea currently imports some $43+ billion from the U.S per year.So U.S will be out of pocket if NK invades SK,and if it goes the other way,I should imagine exports would more than double for the U.S,especially in a time where the country needs re-building/re-structuring.

Not to mention Americas enemy would either double or disappear.

The people that make these decisions to go to war have nothing to lose,and will not mind sacrificing a few people for the "greater good".

Don't get me wrong,I would happily have NK's dictatorship stopped in a heartbeat,But we know its going to be a lot more of a mess than that.

All we hear is one side of the story,NK has said this and that.Do we know what the U.S diplomats are saying to them? and I don't mean the script reading media versions.

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I mean no disrespect to the British navy or army. The British Navy was the finest in the world at one time but these days it's nowhere near what it was.

I'm not sure that there are any operational carriers among the fleet. I did hear that an aircraft the Navy planned to use was cancelled and the two or three carriers in service are thus without said aircraft.


The French navy had one carrier last I heard.


Absent the US Navy in all honesty there would be little to deter an invasion of S.K by N.K It's only the very real threat of brutal and deadly retaliation that is a deterrent to Kim Jong and for all his bluster and threats he knows it


Is there any navy in the world that is near to what it used to be? We are building a couple of carriers, the biggest ships that the RN has operated, and we're waiting for Lockheed Martin/BAE system to supply the aircraft.

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Wow,you make it sound like a one man band.Im pretty sure many British troops have given their life for Korea in the past.

---------- Post added 06-04-2013 at 13:52 ----------



Which would you prefer,a Political reason? or the we are simply in it for the sake of south Korea version?


The biggest mistake was to split Korea,and make one half a dictatorship and the other democratic.Who thought that would work in the long run?

South Korea currently imports some $43+ billion from the U.S per year.So U.S will be out of pocket if NK invades SK,and if it goes the other way,I should imagine exports would more than double for the U.S,especially in a time where the country needs re-building/re-structuring.

Not to mention Americas enemy would either double or disappear.

The people that make these decisions to go to war have nothing to lose,and will not mind sacrificing a few people for the "greater good".

Don't get me wrong,I would happily have NK's dictatorship stopped in a heartbeat,But we know its going to be a lot more of a mess than that.

All we hear is one side of the story,NK has said this and that.Do we know what the U.S diplomats are saying to them? and I don't mean the script reading media versions.


They did indeed but that was 60 years ago. It's the situation now that is the problem


---------- Post added 06-04-2013 at 17:13 ----------


Is there any navy in the world that is near to what it used to be? We are building a couple of carriers, the biggest ships that the RN has operated, and we're waiting for Lockheed Martin/BAE system to supply the aircraft.


In number of ships the US Navy isnt what it used to be. Mitt Romney challenged Obama about this during the Presidential debates to which Obama replied in effect that numbers of ships dont matter any more. It's the technology and capability to inflict effective damage to the enemy that each ship is equipped with that counts and naval technology has come a long way since the 1980s.


Still, for the foreseeable future carriers are absolutely essential to some naval forces but they cost a horrendous amount to build, equip and operate

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I think they both take on each other every day..sanctions, missile testing, war of words.


The worry is that both nations are psychologically insecure. The US constantly feeds itself on self congratulation and NK royalty don't give a **** about its people. A combination of real scary stuff.


Taking on the US isn't about winning, its about the damage you can do before you get your butt kicked. Look what damage was done by half a dozen nutters on 9/11 and the US's response internationally, never mind on its own people. Magnify that by millions and add a few nukes


9/11 was an inside job

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I with you on that one loob having just had "dennis rodman" americas top military analyst visit him a couple of weeks ago ,he'll be well up on america's defence systems,.

the only way I can see out of this awful mess is to send in is excellency for zone peace "sean penn"


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 14:48 ----------




north korean propaganda doco on how americans really live


I don't think I'll bother with snow anymore::hihi:

Idon't suppose you ever saw him play. He was a pretty good shot blocker in his time. I didn't care for his choice of bridal wear though.:hihi:
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