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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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He did spell "emergency" right this time. He usually spells it "emergensy"
I'm not worried about it. I have more important things to do with my time. Have you ever noticed how they come along for a few months then disappear, only to reappear wtih another name against forum rules. As to the Korean situation, a quick review shows that Korea existed as a whole unit under Japanese control till 1945. It was then divided into two countries along the 38th parallel in a joint decision between the Soviet Union and the US following the defeat of Japan. South Korea would follow in the capitalist tradition of the US, and North Korea under communist rule. The fact that the US was, at that time the only nuclear power, kept the two sides in an uneasy peace. By 1950, Russia was fast becoming a nuclear power too, making the North Koreans bold enough to invade the South without warning. The United Nations, primarily USA, Great Britain, Turkey and others stepped in to defend the South, and it became an undeclared war with many deaths on both sides. Eventually it would arrive at fighting along the 38th parallel, bringing China into the action. By 1953 the war had arrived at a stalemate giving birth to the armistice that has lasted ever since. The whole world had changed hands since WW2, with the colonials seeking independence from their former masters. For Britain, India, Kenya, Malaya, Cyprus, Ceylon etc. For France, Vietnam, Algeria, and most of their African possessions, the same for Belgium. The Dutch lost Indonesia.

There is some comparison here with the division of Germany. East Germans would risk and sometimes lose their lives trying to get into West Germany. Only when the Soviet Union broke up were the Germans able to force the reunification of their country, and once again become the great power they are. It is up to China to stop the nonsense going on in NK, and nobody else. If and when it does, Korea will become the new Asian tiger with Hyundai Industries at the head of it. As to there being any danger from the threats, I doubt it. But it won't hurt to keep an eye on it. We're all in this together. I can remember being in a church hall in Totley following the Sunday blitz of December 15th 1940 after our home in Tinsley was destroyed by the Luftwaffe. The sirens went that night scaring the pants off all of us until a Totley volunteer assured us we were perfectly safe. the nearest bomb damage was a mile away from Totley. See what I mean?

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I'm not worried about it. I have more important things to do with my time. Have you ever noticed how they come along for a few months then disappear, only to reappear wtih another name against forum rules. As to the Korean situation, a quick review shows that Korea existed as a whole unit under Japanese control till 1945. It was then divided into two countries along the 38th parallel in a joint decision between the Soviet Union and the US following the defeat of Japan. South Korea would follow in the capitalist tradition of the US, and North Korea under communist rule. The fact that the US was, at that time the only nuclear power, kept the two sides in an uneasy peace. By 1950, Russia was fast becoming a nuclear power too, making the North Koreans bold enough to invade the South without warning. The United Nations, primarily USA, Great Britain, Turkey and others stepped in to defend the South, and it became an undeclared war with many deaths on both sides. Eventually it would arrive at fighting along the 38th parallel, bringing China into the action. By 1953 the war had arrived at a stalemate giving birth to the armistice that has lasted ever since. The whole world had changed hands since WW2, with the colonials seeking independence from their former masters. For Britain, India, Kenya, Malaya, Cyprus, Ceylon etc. For France, Vietnam, Algeria, and most of their African possessions, the same for Belgium. The Dutch lost Indonesia.

There is some comparison here with the division of Germany. East Germans would risk and sometimes lose their lives trying to get into West Germany. Only when the Soviet Union broke up were the Germans able to force the reunification of their country, and once again become the great power they are. It is up to China to stop the nonsense going on in NK, and nobody else. If and when it does, Korea will become the new Asian tiger with Hyundai Industries at the head of it. As to there being any danger from the threats, I doubt it. But it won't hurt to keep an eye on it. We're all in this together. I can remember being in a church hall in Totley following the Sunday blitz of December 15th 1940 after our home in Tinsley was destroyed by the Luftwaffe. The sirens went that night scaring the pants off all of us until a Totley volunteer assured us we were perfectly safe. the nearest bomb damage was a mile away from Totley. See what I mean?


The Air Force have cancelled a missile test in California so as not to upset the Fat Boy. On the other hand Fat Boy has promised to go ahead with a missile test of his own. If there is a shooting match of some kind it might not be a bad idea in the long run. The rest of the countries in that region are fed up and tired of Fat Boy's threats.


Soviet Russia ended up an economuc basket case after over 70 years of Communism. China is abandoning the system after 64 years or so.

East Germany at the time of the collapse of the Wall resembled a society of the 1930s. Factories that used production techiniques of that era, widespread pollution and they couldnt even get their heads together and produce a decent car. Remember the Trabant ? :hihi: The only tune up kit any owner needed was a 15 pound sledgehammer :hihi:


We got an incendiary bomb on our house on Montgomery Terrace Road. It started to set fire to some washing hanging up to dry. Ma rushed upstairs and extinguished the blaze

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The Air Force have cancelled a missile test in California so as not to upset the Fat Boy. On the other hand Fat Boy has promised to go ahead with a missile test of his own. If there is a shooting match of some kind it might not be a bad idea in the long run. The rest of the countries in that region are fed up and tired of Fat Boy's threats.


Soviet Russia ended up an economuc basket case after over 70 years of Communism. China is abandoning the system after 64 years or so.

East Germany at the time of the collapse of the Wall resembled a society of the 1930s. Factories that used production techiniques of that era, widespread pollution and they couldnt even get their heads together and produce a decent car. Remember the Trabant ? :hihi: The only tune up kit any owner needed was a 15 pound sledgehammer :hihi:


We got an incendiary bomb on our house on Montgomery Terrace Road. It started to set fire to some washing hanging up to dry. Ma rushed upstairs and extinguished the blaze

Just got a story on the evening news that China has issued a serious warning to North Korea to cool it or else. More news to come.
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Just got a story on the evening news that China has issued a serious warning to North Korea to cool it or else. More news to come.


If there's some balls behind the talk that's very welcome news which could diffuse this silly nonsense from the fat man, let us know what you know mate.

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What worries me is KJU's age,did he get spoon fed the same tripe his dad/grandad fed the rest of the nation?Does he really believe his army could take on U.S?like im sure most civilians believe.

Or did they share some inside knowledge with him?

I have spent a lot of time over the last couple of days watching NK's propaganda video's,they are hilarious yet scary to think these are serious videos.My best one so far is the one portraying America as a place that is full of poor people,that the country won't feed.I really feel for anyone who lives in Seoul,apparently they have 1000's of missiles targeted on Seoul from hidden locations.

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What worries me is KJU's age,did he get spoon fed the same tripe his dad/grandad fed the rest of the nation?Does he really believe his army could take on U.S?like im sure most civilians believe.

Or did they share some inside knowledge with him?

I have spent a lot of time over the last couple of days watching NK's propaganda video's,they are hilarious yet scary to think these are serious videos.My best one so far is the one portraying America as a place that is full of poor people,that the country won't feed.I really feel for anyone who lives in Seoul,apparently they have 1000's of missiles targeted on Seoul from hidden locations.


Kinda what i was alluding to here.

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