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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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But Hyundai is giving them all fits in the US. It's almost like every third car, van, or SUV is an Hyundai or a Kia. Both come from the same company.We own a Kia van, and I recently lost an Accent in a crash, I miss it. My daughter in law owns a Hyundai Santa Fe, and one of my best friends has a Sonata. Another one is getting rid of his Mini Cooper, and buying an Elantra. He's tired of standard shift. I know Jeremy Clarkson doesn't like them which makes me like them even more. Mr. Supersnob doesn't like anything under 250,000 quid, and him a South Yorkshireman.


Hyundais look good, (sleek aerodynamic), rated very mechanically reliable and come with a lot of extras that pricier cars are equipped with.


Wouldnt mind one myself but I still own a 2001 Honda Accord with a V6 and just love the car.

My wife has her 2011 Lexus but it still doesnt beat the Honda as far as I'm concerned

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I always wondered what a nuke war would be, would love to find out!


I don't think you would be saying that if you lived in Seoul.Or anywhere in both Korea's.


---------- Post added 09-04-2013 at 00:59 ----------


But Hyundai is giving them all fits in the US. It's almost like every third car, van, or SUV is an Hyundai or a Kia. Both come from the same company.We own a Kia van, and I recently lost an Accent in a crash, I miss it. My daughter in law owns a Hyundai Santa Fe, and one of my best friends has a Sonata. Another one is getting rid of his Mini Cooper, and buying an Elantra. He's tired of standard shift. I know Jeremy Clarkson doesn't like them which makes me like them even more. Mr. Supersnob doesn't like anything under 250,000 quid, and him a South Yorkshireman.


Theres a very noticeable increase in Sheffield.The dealership in Ecclesfield seems very busy lately.

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I always wondered what a nuke war would be, would love to find out!


You'd like to see thousands or even hundreds of thousands of innocents killed for your amusement. ? That is without doubt the single most stupid thing i've ever read on SF. :loopy:

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I always wondered what a nuke war would be, would love to find out!


seriously?! even said as a 'joke' that is the most ridiculous thing i have ever heard anyone say.


I'm absolutley terrified of this possible outcome.

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PAC-3 batteries deployed as North Korea threatens missile launch



APR 9, 2013


The Defense Ministry has deployed Patriot PAC-3 antimissile air defense units to three Self-Defense Forces installations, in Tokyo and Chiba, to defend against possible North Korean missile strikes, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Tuesday.


The PAC-3 units were deployed to the Defense Ministry’s headquarters in Ichigaya in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward, as well as the Ground Self-Defense Force’s Camp Asaka in Tokyo’s Nerima Ward and Camp Narashino in Funabashi, Chiba Prefecture, Suga told a news conference.


Those units have been deployed apparently to defend the ministry’s headquarters and key SDF units as well as the heart of the capital, given the limited range of the PAC-3 interceptors, which is about 30 km.


But Suga declined to reveal further details of the operation in order not to reveal confidential defense information.


“We’d like to refrain from explaining further because it would give away details of the cards we hold. At any rate, we have taken thorough measures to ensure the safety of the people,” Suga said.


Japan has already deployed Aegis destroyers in the Sea of Japan to monitor the possible launch of North Korean ballistic missiles, which Pyongyang has threatened to use to attack the United States, possibly including U.S. military bases in Japan.


Aegis destroyers are equipped with SM-3 interceptor missiles, which are designed to shoot down ballistic missiles in their early stage of flight. The Patriot PAC-3 systems are designed to intercept missiles that evaded the SM-3 defense layer.


On Monday, Suga told a news conference that Japan would use those antimissile systems only to defend Japanese territory.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has proposed that the government change its interpretation of the Constitution so Japan can intercept a ballistic missile fired at the United States, but an advisory panel to Abe is still discussing relevant issues and the government has maintained its current interpretation.


Shooting down a ballistic missile aimed at the U.S. would fall within the category of collective self-defense as defined by the United Nations Charter. The government interprets the war-renouncing Constitution as prohibiting the exercise of the right of collective defense.

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What a third Korean War would look like




THE intensifying war of words between North Korea, the United States and ally South Korea could ignite a major conflict. The likely trigger would be a small clash at sea, in the air, or along the Demilitarised Zone dividing the two Koreas.


What would a war in Korea look like? First, nuclear conflict is unlikely. North Korea is not believed to have any long or medium-ranged nuclear weapons, certainly none that could hit North America. North Korea might be able to strike South Korea with a nuclear device. But then US nuclear weapons would wipe North Korea off the map.


North Korea's military strategy would be to launch a surprise attack on the south to occupy Seoul and Inchon. The vital US Air Force bases at Osan and Kunsan, and eight South Korean air bases, would be primary targets.


North Korea's elite 88,000-strong special forces units are tasked to attack and neutralise these air bases as well as headquarters, communication nodes, and munitions depots of the US and Republic of Korea (ROK) forces.


Barrages of North Korean conventional missiles would hit these bases and command hubs, possibly with chemical warheads.


Special North Korean amphibious units would land and strike these targets from the sea. North Korea has 300 old Soviet-era AN-2 biplanes that carry 10 commandos each. Invisible to radar because they are made of fabric and hug the earth, the AN-2's would air assault suicide squads into US and ROK airbases.


Other North Korean special forces are tasked with attacking US bases in Okinawa, Japan and as far off as Guam, where the US is installing its new THAAD anti-missile system.


North Korea has developed potent electronic warfare capability that would degrade US/South Korean communications and online targets.


Meanwhile, 14,000 North Korean heavy guns and rocket batteries dug into caves behind the DMZ could pour storms of shells or rockets per hour onto US/ROK positions south of the DMZ. North Korea's 170mm guns and 240mm rockets have a range of 50 and 45km respectively. Large parts of Seoul would be damaged.


North Korea has about 700,000 soldiers within 150km of the DMZ, with another 400,000 in backup echelons further north. These divisions would fight their way south through South Korea's "Maginot Line", seven parallel lines of anti-tank ditches, minefields, and high earth walls surmounted by tanks (South Korea denies it exists, but I have seen it).


In spite of intense air attacks by the US and ROK, the North Korean offensive could likely reach at least as far south of Seoul, only an hour's drive from the DMZ.


US retaliation would be ferocious. US and ROK warplanes would quickly attain air superiority over the entire peninsula. North Korea's 70 airbases would be obliterated and its obsolescent air force quickly neutralised. The North Korean surface fleets would share a similar fate. US warplanes would pound North Korea's command and control, communications, rail lines, bridges and factories not buried underground.


During the 1950-53 Korean War, US B-29 heavy bombers literally flattened North Korea. That's why North Korea reacted so furiously when US B-52 heavy bombers and B-2 Stealth bombers skirted its borders late last month, triggering off this latest crisis. The B-2 can deliver the fearsome MOAB 30,000lb bomb called "the Mother of All Bombs" designed to destroy deep underground command HQ's (read Kim Jong-un's bunker) and underground nuclear facilities.


Since the 1950's, the North Koreans have buried much of their military-industrial complex and continue to train their ground forces in small unit, off-the-road tactics. The North also has a militia of 1.6 million to defend key targets and factories.


Unless the US uses tactical nuclear weapons, it will be difficult to defeat North Korea. Doing so means invading North Korea, a risky operation that might invite Chinese intervention, as it did in 1950. Moreover, US ground and air forces are bogged down in Afghanistan and the Middle East, their equipment is run down, and the US Treasury out of money.


The Pentagon estimated a full-scale invasion of North Korea could cost 250,000 American casualties. In short, a real war, not the jolly little police actions launched by the US in Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia.


Eric S. Margolis is an award-winning, internationally syndicated columnist, writing mainly about the Middle East and South Asia. Comments: letters@thesundaily.com


No idea where he got 250k casualties from.

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But Hyundai is giving them all fits in the US. It's almost like every third car, van, or SUV is an Hyundai or a Kia. Both come from the same company.We own a Kia van, and I recently lost an Accent in a crash, I miss it. My daughter in law owns a Hyundai Santa Fe, and one of my best friends has a Sonata. Another one is getting rid of his Mini Cooper, and buying an Elantra. He's tired of standard shift. I know Jeremy Clarkson doesn't like them which makes me like them even more. Mr. Supersnob doesn't like anything under 250,000 quid, and him a South Yorkshireman.

So maybe he lost his South Yorkshire accent too and now sounds American?

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