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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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What's all this got to do with the N Korean's starting a war, are they going to bomb your cars? :loopy:


It'sall part of comparing North Korea with South Korea today and the animus that exists between them. People may fight over religion or political persuasion, but the biggest fights come when one society is at a much lower standard than the other. Is it possible you might be able to stop the trolling any time soon?:loopy:

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North Korea is broke and many of the people are starving or likely to be starving in the near future.


In the past, when the government of the PDRK have done a bit of 'tub thumping' other governments - mainly in the West - have dug deep into their pockets and provided aid.


They need money. They need food. They are not particularly bright.


What worked in the past might (just might) work again.

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Someone objects to you going off topic and you accuse them of trolling, you and harleyman need to read back to your selves some of the utter rubbish you post.:gag:


Did I make you gag? :o Must remember to keep piling more of the rubbish on :hihi:


---------- Post added 11-04-2013 at 00:03 ----------


North Korea is broke and many of the people are starving or likely to be starving in the near future.


In the past, when the government of the PDRK have done a bit of 'tub thumping' other governments - mainly in the West - have dug deep into their pockets and provided aid.


They need money. They need food. They are not particularly bright.


What worked in the past might (just might) work again.


But recently increasing the restrictions against NK is what's making Kim Jong Un go ape **** just lately. Now that China is showing very definite signs of losing patience and imposing more restrictions of it's own why should we now cave in by giving them exactly what they want. That's like game over... they won again

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But recently increasing the restrictions against NK is what's making Kim Jong Un go ape **** just lately. Now that China is showing very definite signs of losing patience and imposing more restrictions of it's own why should we now cave in by giving them exactly what they want. That's like game over... they won again


Can't argue with that Harley. Now's not the time for you guys to blink at all. As we found here pay the Danegeld and you are never rid of the Dane.

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Well, I know what goes on inside my heart. I've got film. I've also got film of the time it was stopped (the period when they said I was dead) and I don't give a damn.


I now have a fully-functional heart and it's all mine.


I've no sympathy for the people who live in the PDRK, nor do I wish them ill.


Their boss (Kim Jong un) is an absolute arsehole - but he's probably not bright enough to be any better.


Milli Young' un isn't much better.


Why on earth would any government leader be one jot or one tittle interested in the crap spouted by the government of the PDK (or whatever that boss of tossers are calling themselves this evening?


Surely, the United Kngdom is not interested - in any way - by the 'prattings about' of any non-foreign Americans?


Unless, of course. you know otherwise.

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---------- Post added 11-04-2013 at 04:43 ----------


I made a blooper in my last post. It was the Hyundai Excel I was talking about.

Honda's luxury car division Acura manufacture the Legend model which is an excellent car in every way.


Remember the Yugos? :hihi: It was basically a cheap Fiat assembled in Yugoslavia under the Yugo name. God that was a horrible piece of work. It appeared on the markets here in the 1980s but in styling it resembled a throwback to the 1960s.

Consumers Reports did road test on it and the one who wrote the report said that during the test a door handle fell off and one of the windows wouldn't close properly. He described it as the worst car he had ever tested and nothing but a bucket of nuts and bolts

Many an owner developed arms and legs of steel pushing that turkey from one mechanic to another mechanic :hihi:


The first Nissan I saw was in Canada around 1965. It was called the Datsun Honey Bee. Uninspiring little cracker box that was something of a joke at the time.

Chevrolet had one of their own little horrors, the Chevrolet Corvair with a rear mounted air cooled engine. I bought a used one for 700 dollars. It always reeked of gas but it was handy getting out of snow drifts because of the weight being on the back

Ralph Nader wrote a book about it "Unsafe at any speed"


---------- Post added 10-04-2013 at 16:03 ----------



Yes I reckon it wiould be Team America. I dont see Japan or even any of the NATO allies risking the lives of their soldiers in a ground war. The only allies the US could count on are the South Korean military which is natural of course since they would have the most to lose.

Everybody sees N.K as a renegade, possibly nuclear armed country which is a very real threat to stability in that region of the world but when it comes time to deal with it then send in young Joe from Kansas or young Ed from New York or young Bill from Oregon and let them lose their lives or their limbs.


Thankfully that scenario wont happen as any war there would be a war of air strikes and a somewhat violent but very short lived one at that



lets assume they used a nuke on the South and launched 500 rockets toward them, Japan and the states. Most would be shot down, there would be some damage in SK then Obama would take action. Obama has two choices and everyone should know by now to NOT underestimate Obama. We know this president mentally doesn't like to use ground forces other than Special Forces and will fight 21st century style. We know that no matter how NK launched an attack WMD or not that Obama has options. He could use conventional powerful weapons and within 50 hours kill the leader of NK, its entire military and within two weeks clean up and be done. Worst case would be if NK used WMD on the South and did massive damage



even chubby chops should know the facts here. First, yes, Bush allowed them to get nukes unlike what Obama will allow in Iran however; he doesn't yet have capability of placing them on a rocket.

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Sounds really good! - It would sound an effing sight better if you could say anything which backed up your argument or if you could quote even one of the (albeit few) pages of the textbook.


I certainly cannot support you. I am retired and I forgot absolutely everything about everything about which I knew absolutely bugger all many years earlier.


(I still got paid , but then again, I am not Saupreuß.)

(We can discuss that offline if you must.)

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sounds like its getting dangerous. I just heard on the news that japan's spotted them moving a missile into launch position


I think the big mistake was to believe that the North would somehow buckle under because of sanctions. Instead of having the effect the US expected, it simply said to the North Korean regime that they have a limited time window to act, if they are to avoid regime collapse.

It is entirely mistaken to think there is any rationality in Pyongyang's strategy, and they wouldn't risk an all out conflict because of the consequences. The mistake is to believe that the North's regime has any interest in the future prospects of its people.

In fact it's likely that what we are seeing is driven by the fear of those in powerful positions. Many of these people appear to have inherited their positions, or to have them because of connections. Undoubtedly they will be fearful because they will have seen the regime collapses of other authoritarian regimes, and probably mistakenly believe it is orchestrated by the US.

They will be well aware that to give up their nuclear and ICBM ambitions would be to leave them in a weakened position, effectively under the thumb of the US. They will fear that if they are put in this position, that they would be relatively powerless, the the overthrow of their regime would be inevitable.

The US strategy may have inadvertently have created the perception in the North's regime that they have a very limited time window in which to act to secure their regime, and that if they don't take this opportunity now, they will be inevitably crushed.

In other words these might be desparate people who will do anything to save their skin. North Korean society seems far more tightly controlled than the USSR and China ever were.I was listening on the radio to the female agent who bombed the s k airliner, she said its not a goverment but a cult,you're programmed from birth.


The outside world knows next to nothing about North Korean society, and the North Korean public probably know far less.

This isolated North Korean public means that in the short term, the regime will not be influenced by public opinion. Again this is somewhat different that the other communist states which used to exist, where there was more contact with the outside world. This meant the regimes of these countries had to be a lot more cautious about what their public thought. Whereas in North Korea it looks as if there's a ruling clique not only isolated from the outside world, but is likely isolated from their own people.

A small isolated paranoid clique, may make decisions that any other leadership might not. As we have seen from the Middle East and North Africa, these authoritian despots think nothing of declaring war on their own people.

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Well, we did our thing (just like wot we did last time) and it didn't work.


So now we have to do it again.


I've no idea about how good the Americans are at stopping piddly bombs, but in my day the insurance premiums wouldn't have gone up much.


Mine has gone down by $15 this year.

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