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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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That would only inflame the situation even further


---------- Post added 12-04-2013 at 17:27 ----------


North Korea is bound to implode sooner or later. The Chinese on the other hand are in a quandry. If North Korea does implode then millions of North Korean refugees will flood across the border into China. That's a prospect the Chinese must find understandably very disturbing.

On the other hand China does not want to see a prosperous united Korea, friendly to the west on it's borders either.


Poor devils... they're in between a rock and a hard place





I doubt what Kerry is saying to media has any relationship to what he saying to either the chinese or NK. That's not the way international relations happen. It is endlessly entertaining, however, to read how some people swallow all of this whole and spew their hatred of America as a result.

NK is China's puppet in it's back yard. It keeps America, SK and Japan busy every year. It irritates them and it occupies their time, efforts and attention. That is why China has cynically ignored the deaths of millions and the starvation of millions more. Only the Chinese people's party matters.

The question is the level of influence/control has China on what is happening right now in NK. That is all that matters.

Up to now, despite anything that has actually happened, nothing indicates that they have lost their influence. NK have not ACTUALLY done anything.

maybe Kerry is trying to suss out if that influence is intact .... or fragmented.

China is happy to keep the Americans, Japanese and NK's in their toes .... but it doesn't want them to be driven over the line. Over the line would suck them back into the region in a way the China does NOT want. China does NOT want the Americans dropping cruise missiles on NK, even if it is to take out nuclear plants, electricity plants and missile installations. That would be a disaster.

So China is playing a very dangerous game right now. More than likely as part of a cover for it's current enormous military build up, and it's new party leader flexing his muscles in front of his party elite


Kerry is more than likely speaking to the Chinese about what line NK needs NOT to cross, lest the Americans step in and take out the nuke plants, the launch pads and electricity plants,

btw I preferred john kerry when he was in the munsters.


---------- Post added 13-04-2013 at 15:13 ----------


Have you read the drivel that appears each day on NK's news agency site? Here's a sample ,quote/



"Meanwhile, the U.S. deputy secretary of Defense flew to south Korea to finally examine the preparations for a nuclear war against the DPRK and openly said that the U.S. military attaches top priority to the second Korean war, giving green light to a nuclear war.

Accordingly, the commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea and the south Korean military chief drafted a "plan to jointly cope with local provocation". The main point of it is to start a total nuclear war involving the U.S. forces in the U.S. mainland and the Pacific region after the south Korean forces touch off a conflict.

The south Korean warmongers, elated with the backing of the U.S. master, are threatening punishment to "provocation" of the DPRK and even seeking to mount precision missile strikes on the statues of the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, symbol of the DPRK's dignity."

I think rodman is needed right away.

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I doubt what Kerry is saying to media has any relationship to what he saying to either the chinese or NK. That's not the way international relations happen. It is endlessly entertaining, however, to read how some people swallow all of this whole and spew their hatred of America as a result.

NK is China's puppet in it's back yard. It keeps America, SK and Japan busy every year. It irritates them and it occupies their time, efforts and attention. That is why China has cynically ignored the deaths of millions and the starvation of millions more. Only the Chinese people's party matters.

The question is the level of influence/control has China on what is happening right now in NK. That is all that matters.

Up to now, despite anything that has actually happened, nothing indicates that they have lost their influence. NK have not ACTUALLY done anything.

maybe Kerry is trying to suss out if that influence is intact .... or fragmented.

China is happy to keep the Americans, Japanese and NK's in their toes .... but it doesn't want them to be driven over the line. Over the line would suck them back into the region in a way the China does NOT want. China does NOT want the Americans dropping cruise missiles on NK, even if it is to take out nuclear plants, electricity plants and missile installations. That would be a disaster.

So China is playing a very dangerous game right now. More than likely as part of a cover for it's current enormous military build up, and it's new party leader flexing his muscles in front of his party elite


Kerry is more than likely speaking to the Chinese about what line NK needs NOT to cross, lest the Americans step in and take out the nuke plants, the launch pads and electricity plants,

btw I preferred john kerry when he was in the munsters.


---------- Post added 13-04-2013 at 15:13 ----------


Have you read the drivel that appears each day on NK's news agency site? Here's a sample ,quote/



"Meanwhile, the U.S. deputy secretary of Defense flew to south Korea to finally examine the preparations for a nuclear war against the DPRK and openly said that the U.S. military attaches top priority to the second Korean war, giving green light to a nuclear war.

Accordingly, the commander of the U.S. forces in south Korea and the south Korean military chief drafted a "plan to jointly cope with local provocation". The main point of it is to start a total nuclear war involving the U.S. forces in the U.S. mainland and the Pacific region after the south Korean forces touch off a conflict.

The south Korean warmongers, elated with the backing of the U.S. master, are threatening punishment to "provocation" of the DPRK and even seeking to mount precision missile strikes on the statues of the great Generalissimos Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, symbol of the DPRK's dignity."

I think rodman is needed right away.


I agree with your remarks about China and the game they are playing. As for NK I wouldnt be surprised at any of the stuff they feed their people. I'm sure the only person who has internet access is Kim Jong Un

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i woke up this morning wondering about what was happening in North Korea - it was all over the news not that long ago, then what with Mrs T and the Boston bombings there was hardly anything reported


three questions spring to my mind


1) did it all go quiet and nothing was happening worth reporting

2) can the media not cope with more than one major story at a time, or

3) was the hype previously overblown just because there was no other major newsworthy event happening

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I wondered why North Korea and Kim Jong Un just vanished from the news. There wasnt a single news channel covering NK during the bombings and Thatchers funeral. Not even a brief word about the situation


It must be something to do with the ratings and the sponors or maybe Kim Jong Un just decided to temporarily stop with the verbal threats until he got centre stage again :D

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I wondered why North Korea and Kim Jong Un just vanished from the news. There wasnt a single news channel covering NK during the bombings and Thatchers funeral. Not even a brief word about the situation


It must be something to do with the ratings and the sponors or maybe Kim Jong Un just decided to temporarily stop with the verbal threats until he got centre stage again

It could well be. Or perhaps Him Wrong 'Un is peeved that no Panorama journalists interviewed him.

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  • 11 months later...
Well good for you, sonny, like they used to say a long time ago, you should be on the halls.






Mind if I change the subject?

I just did a search for this saying, "you should be on the halls"

and this forum post is the only result I got!


I heard the saying on Masterpiece Mystery!: Endeavor

Season 1 Episode 1, via Netflix.


I get a vague idea from the context,

but would you be able to tell me what the saying means...

and/or how it may have originated?


I would have sent you a private message but I am not allowed until I have 5 posts.

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