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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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You mean like Saddam most certainly did have weapons of mass destruction? I wouldn't like to risk the lives of fellow country men based on your "most certainly".


The problem with flexing mighty muscle is that some are not deterred by it..on the contrary some may have the means to give you a damn good hiding..even if it is out of stupidity and ultimate defeat.



You are a somewhat ridiculous person in your thought processes. Not even Kim Il Jong would risk destroying his own people by doing something rash. He's uttering threats because of the new sanctions imposed upon him and he has to talk and look tough to keep his military commanders happy. It's all part of the game. The goose stepping tin soldiers, mobile rocket launchers etc etc. He think's he's a reincarnation of Joseph Stalin or Nikita Kruschev :hihi:

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Have you read errr, like the news?

Young Kim certainly does not.
Say what you want about him, I'll bet good money his political acumen and the capabilities of his spooks/analysts are just fine indeed.


Takes a damn lot of manoeuvering skill to stay at the top in that country, and create that much global anxiety out of rethoric and a few mostly-hidden tests alone...


That's not admiration at all, just a matter-of-fact comment

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You are a somewhat ridiculous person in your thought processes. Not even Kim Il Jong would risk destroying his own people by doing something rash. He's uttering threats because of the new sanctions imposed upon him and he has to talk and look tough to keep his military commanders happy. It's all part of the game. The goose stepping tin soldiers, mobile rocket launchers etc etc. He think's he's a reincarnation of Joseph Stalin or Nikita Kruschev :hihi:


And you would be prepared to risk a 3rd world war and many millions dead all on the the gamble you know Jong wouldn't take the risk because he has some affinity with his people? I'm not a gambling man..I'll leave that stuff to you.


Lifting sanctions or partly may be a step forward..that alone wouldn't have an affect on US's strike capability. And if he wouldn't "risk" his people, why all the hoo-rah muscle flexing from the US?


The US are ready for war..they're always ready for war, especially when you hear.."we could kick their ass 10 times over".


---------- Post added 27-03-2013 at 00:51 ----------


Is it's nuclear capability deliverable to anywhere other than it's own soil..?


Hope not..If that's the case then we have nothing to worry about.


---------- Post added 27-03-2013 at 00:55 ----------



This ****ing forum jusr gets worse and worse and the morons on it more and more numerous


Oh dear.:(

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I would be very surprised if they took on the U.S.






dont'forget in 2011 they destroyed a South Korean warship without provocation, murdering 46 sailors. They also shelled South Korean territory with artillery and murdered 4 people in that incident. Add that to the roughly 100 other times they've violated the armistice and the times they've threatened war against the South and a picture should begin to emerge.


---------- Post added 27-03-2013 at 05:06 ----------



"The socialist system of the Republic is a people-centred social system in which the masses of the working people are the masters of everything and everything in society serves them. In accordance with the nature of its socialist system, the Government of the Republic defends and protects the interests of workers, peasants and intellectuals and all other working people who have become masters of state and society, free from exploitation and oppression. "


who needs food when you have socialism:hihi:

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Reportedly, the emergency phone line between SK and NK is now cut. This follows the earlier suspension of the "red phone" between the 2 countries. It is now impossible for the 2 countries to communicate in any way (according to NK Gvt press office).


That is a worrying development, because any isolated incident, however trivial/accidental, could now escalate very rapidly out of all proportions.

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North Korea seem to be making all the right moves to start a war. The "new" leader appears to be a brainwashed jerk who believes all the countries own propaganda. I wonder if threatening missile strikes against the USA's interests is really a great move for a country that is rapidly loosing what little support it ever had.

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