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North Korea .. U.S ready for war ?

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The US were flying their stealth bombers around the other day, part of a 'practise' with NK.


Lots of military posturing, show each other who's got the biggest guns.

I think this round go's to the 'good guys', based on stuff like this:




North Korea's official press agency has been caught with its hands in the Photoshop copy-and-paste jar, in a hopelessly bodged attempt to big up the amphibious-landing capability of the country's hovercraft.


A couple of days ago, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) released a snap showing operations by the KPA (Korean People's Army) Large Combined Units 324 and 287 and KPA Navy Combined Unit 597, somewhere on the communist state's east coast.


As you can see, this particular piece of sabre-rattling features some suspicious sabre cloning, with two identical hovercraft about to hit the beach while similarly twinned craft move in the background.


If you've gotta photoshop extra vehicles into a picture to make your army look better then you know you're in trouble.

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North Korea wants South Korea wiped off the map.

Iran wants Israel wiped off the map

Israel and US wants Iran wiped off the map

Zimbabwe wants Great Brittian wiped off the map


Russia wants Georgia wiped off the map

Syria is almost wiped off the map

Iraq is almost wiped off the map

Rest of Africa does not even know what is a map

Australia and New Zealand is totaly off the map

Japan's map is under water

Greece cannot afford a map

afghanistan hasn't got any paper for maps

china is manufacturing new maps for the rest of the world

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North Korea wants South Korea wiped off the map.

Iran wants Israel wiped off the map

Israel and US wants Iran wiped off the map

Zimbabwe wants Great Brittian wiped off the map


Russia wants Georgia wiped off the map

Syria is almost wiped off the map

Iraq is almost wiped off the map

Rest of Africa does not even know what is a map

Australia and New Zealand is totaly off the map

Japan's map is under water

Greece cannot afford a map

afghanistan hasn't got any paper for maps

china is manufacturing new maps for the rest of the world




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Say what you want about him, I'll bet good money his political acumen and the capabilities of his spooks/analysts are just fine indeed.


Takes a damn lot of manoeuvering skill to stay at the top in that country, and create that much global anxiety out of rethoric and a few mostly-hidden tests alone...


That's not admiration at all, just a matter-of-fact comment




I with you on that one loob having just had "dennis rodman" americas top military analyst visit him a couple of weeks ago ,he'll be well up on america's defence systems,.

the only way I can see out of this awful mess is to send in is excellency for zone peace "sean penn"


---------- Post added 29-03-2013 at 14:48 ----------




north korean propaganda doco on how americans really live


I don't think I'll bother with snow anymore::hihi:

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This is not about North or South Korea, its about the New World Order ushering in The great World War Three.... I had a thread on this forum last year warning about todays news but the bias admins deleted it due to their own opinions.


You mean SPECTRE is back again? I thought 007 wiped them out along with Rosa Kleb 50 odd years ago.


Must check more often for any black helicopters flying round our area

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I suppose Japan demonstrated at Pearl Harbor that you get a real head start by attacking a country that doesn't know the war has started. That is the problem with a nuclear conflict. It is always going to be a lot better to jump the gun and hit your enemy with a few dozen nukes before the conflict begins, and before he has the idea of trying the same against you.


Also unless a country has nuclear submarines packed with missiles it is quite probable that you can prevent a retaliatory strike by hitting them hard enough in the first instance.

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I suppose Japan demonstrated at Pearl Harbor that you get a real head start by attacking a country that doesn't know the war has started. That is the problem with a nuclear conflict. It is always going to be a lot better to jump the gun and hit your enemy with a few dozen nukes before the conflict begins, and before he has the idea of trying the same against you.


Also unless a country has nuclear submarines packed with missiles it is quite probable that you can prevent a retaliatory strike by hitting them hard enough in the first instance.


American technology has moved on a bit since then, north Korea rather less so. There's an interesting map on the bbc website that shows how far north Korean missiles can go. Alaska will get clipped and I fear the aloha state will cease to exist. That aside America is untouched. I'm not saying other countries won't be threatened but America will turn north Korea into a smoking crater if anything came their way or their allies way. They would have to.


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American technology has moved on a bit since then, north Korea rather less so. There's an interesting map on the bbc website that shows how far north Korean missiles can go. Alaska will get clipped and I fear the aloha state will cease to exist. That aside America is untouched. I'm not saying other countries won't be threatened but America will turn north Korea into a smoking crater if anything came their way or their allies way. They would have to.



With 30,000 US military personnel and 10s of thousands of US civilians in South Korea I suppose it depends on the USA's ability to defend them against a first strike.

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