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Angry football fan killed tot after goal

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Sheffield Crown Court today football fan had a bet on match and lashed out killing his daughter when opposition scored.



He didn't lash out, killing his daughter because his football team conceded a goal, thats an irrelevant detail that ought not to have been mentioned; it may make good copy but it over-simplifies the isssue. His daughter got killed because he is emotionally immature with some mental issues going on.

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The guy is a social misfit and requires hanging from the nearest lamp post.


A man who kills his own born. Over a bet. His species and his DNA requires termination.


Have a think for a moment.


You claim he is a social misfit. In other words you say that he is unable to fit into society. Definitions of society include phrases like 'shared laws and customs', 'ordered community' and 'companionship, friendly association with others'. Then you advocate hanging someone from the nearest lamp post - an action that is pretty far from the qualities associated with society. Can you really not see the inherent contradiction in your stance?


Secondly, you talk about his species requiring termination. His species is homo sapiens - that is all of us. Do you even know what you are saying?


Lastly, to suggest that his DNA should be terminated is in very poor taste as the little girl who has been killed did, indeed, contain that DNA.


He has been dealt with by the law. Violence incited against him is no different to violence enacted by him.

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His photo looks like he has very high blood pressure. He looks ill. He is very purple. That is usually caused by high blood pressure. Healthy people are not that colour. High blood pressure makes people feel very angry and aggressive and lash out disproportionately, at apparently minor events, he is likely to have been sleep deprived with a 5 week old baby, and stressed. If he had a bet and was very stressed/excited as described his blood pressure would have been through the roof. Has someone tested his blood pressure?

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