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Food Essentials

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Considering how long you've been doing this you are still rubbish at it.


"sugears" as a misspelling does not work, it is not logical


"read" should be red if you're illiterate and spelling vaccine correctly makes a mockery of your whole act.


Do try harder, or ideally don't and just go bother some other forum you tedious, tedious little man.


Re read my post I dont know why you talk to me like this.

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Off the top of my head.....pasta (loads of, 6 different types), couscous, basmati rice, spelt, risotto rice, stuffing mix, tinned tomatoes, tinned tuna, chick peas, beans, lots of cheese, some garlic, olives, pesto, a haddock defrosting, pita, bread, bagels, frozen peas, frozen sweetcorn, frozen spinach, oven chips and about 10 tubs of leftovers in the freezer for lunches.


Anything fresh I buy on a day to day basis.

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I'm surprised nobody seems to have mentioned eggs - poached, fried, scrambled, boiled, coddled, omelettes, on toast, hot in fried egg sandwiches, cold in egg mayonaise sandwiches, mixed with milk and drunk, mixed with flour to make pancakes and yorkshire pudding which can be eaten sweet or savoury....


They last for ages, are very nutritious and can be used in lots of different ways.

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Always have loads of onions & garlic. Like taxman, loads of different types of pasta. Potatoes (new/sweet/normal), different types of meat in the freezer. I keep a loaf of bread in the freezer as I don't eat bread too often and it's likely to go off before it gets used otherwise. Tinned tomatoes, soup, flour, eggs, rice, frozen peas, frozen (veggie) sausages, soy sauce, different types of oil, honey. Think that's the main things, then there's a cupboard full of herbs, spices, oxo etc.

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Considering how long you've been doing this you are still rubbish at it.


"sugears" as a misspelling does not work, it is not logical


"read" should be red if you're illiterate and spelling vaccine correctly makes a mockery of your whole act.


Do try harder, or ideally don't and just go bother some other forum you tedious, tedious little man.


Its a bit harsh on Tucker.

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I keep a few essentials ... rice, pasta, herbs (frozen) and seasonings, truffle oil, flour (for pastry), ground coffee, eggs, bread etc ...


What I like to do is to buy fresh ingredients and have cooking days. I cook in bulk and make it into individual portions which I then keep in the freezer. Saves a lot of mucking about on a day to day basis.


At the mo (due to the cold weather), I'm pretty well stocked up on comfort food ... a dozen Cornish pasties, half a dozen shepherd's pies, slow-cooked lamb casseroles, lasagne and a few fish pies ... I just add fresh veggies or whatever on the day of eating them.


It's pretty surprising how cheaply you can make these portions for whilst using top quality ingredients ... more than that, they taste far better than the stuff you can buy in the supermarkets. I prefer to use my local greengrocer (Just Natural) and butcher (Chris Beech), although I obviously use the supermarkets for essentials.

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we always have plenty of fruit and veg in. i like eggs so there's always half a dozen in the pantry along with a few tins of beans, soups, sardines and tuna. the freezer has chicken, a

couple of small joints, bread, fish and ice cream but no ready meals.

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