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David milliband

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Like anyone else he's entitled to change his job to further his career. His wife is American, that also could have something to do with their decision.



seems to me like the two of them have decided between them that the most appropriate job for David Miliband to have and to still make a contribution, in the event of Ed becoming Prime Minister is for Dave to become the British Ambassador to the United States. If anything, Dave is overqualified for the job. It would be the first time a former Foreign Secretary has ever got it.

Edited by callippo
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The bald guy with the funny specs on the BBC News bulletin yesterday said David got the majority of votes from the Labour membership and Labour MPs, but brother Ed got through just on the Union v ote. Just shows where the balance of power still lays within Labour.


I thought the Unions set up the Labour Party to get a democratic voice in Parliament for the workers.

How on earth David M can be said to be throwing his toys out of the pram because he lost the leadership is beyond me. It was about 3 years ago.

Time for him to move on, I don't suppose he wanted to stay a back bencher all his life.

Anyone with half a brain would do the same.

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I thought the Unions set up the Labour Party to get a democratic voice in Parliament for the workers.

How on earth David M can be said to be throwing his toys out of the pram because he lost the leadership is beyond me. It was about 3 years ago.

Time for him to move on, I don't suppose he wanted to stay a back bencher all his life.

Anyone with half a brain would do the same.


True, but....


£280k per annum to work for a charity?! What a load of old ********, jobs for the boys. I am laughing at all the people who think that Labour are any different to the Tories.

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I can't say I'm surprised that I'm not the only one that straight away jumped to the conclusion DM is just being set up for becoming the Washington ambassador. It is of course easily the most prestigous ambassadorial post and having been Foreign Secretary before, he's pretty much halfway done the job already.


David Miliband may be offered US ambassador post



that was speculation when he lost the leadership election, but there was no way Miliband would work for the coalition, even as an ambassador. With a Labour government though, it would be a perfect fit for him. He can always come back and become an MP again sometime in the future if he reckons he wants to.


I straight away suspected it as I was watching his interview by that 'BBC guy with the glasses' on tv last night. Totally obvious. It gets him out of the day-to-day work of Parliament and Cabinet but still keeps him in the game. I was surprised that the 'BBC guy with the glasses' didn't ask him a specific question about it. It must surely have occured to him too.

Edited by callippo
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no that isn't it. Labour are ahead in the polls though I also agree that if Dave was leader they would probably be more ahead than they are. Only Labour MPs can become Labour party leader and if that was his plan then he wouldn't have stood down. Even if, in the event that Ed loses the election and resigns or is challenged for the leadership and Dave returns to take up a seat and contests the leadership again, his chances of winning a leadership election in 2015 will be dramatically lessened just by his being out of Parliament for these coming two years

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