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David milliband

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Im not a labour voter but David Milliband is a far better speaker than his brother. What a shame Ed sounds like a horse chewing gum when he speaks.:gag:


You mean you listen to how something is said rather than the content.This means any assessment you make will be dictated by style not substance.I would not be happy to admit this publicly.

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You mean you listen to how something is said rather than the content.This means any assessment you make will be dictated by style not substance.I would not be happy to admit this publicly.


you'll be surprised how much effect the way you say something has on the person listening to what you say.

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I tend to agree. If somebody wants their party to win an election, the presentational skills of the leader are at least as important if not more, than what they have to say. If they had a vote in that leadership election (like Labour party members do) then even if they agree with the views of one leadership candidate more than another one, if they think that the presentational skills of the other candidate are better than the one they agree with more, then they might vote for him or her anyway, just on the grounds that they believe they would be more likely to deliver a victory for their party because their presentational skills are better. Style really can be more important than substance.

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You mean you listen to how something is said rather than the content.This means any assessment you make will be dictated by style not substance.I would not be happy to admit this publicly.


A lot of people were taken in by Mr Blair...

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the 1994 Leadership election was definitely the one where they elected the right Labour leader to win the coming election by the biggest possible margin though. After 1987, they might have got rid of Kinnock, however there was no really plausible candidate apart from Kinnock, who you might think would have had a better chance to beat Major (who everybody forgets had excellent presentation) in 1992. I can't think of one Labour shadow cabinet member of that era who would have done any better than Kinnock. But had John Smith not died, I would have thought looking back that Blair would have been much the better candidate than Smith. Though Smith would still have won in 1997, he wouldn't have got as big a landslide as Blair got.

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the 1994 Leadership election was definitely the one where they elected the right Labour leader to win the coming election by the biggest possible margin though. After 1987, they might have got rid of Kinnock, however there was no really plausible candidate apart from Kinnock, who you might think would have had a better chance to beat Major (who everybody forgets had excellent presentation) in 1992. I can't think of one Labour shadow cabinet member of that era who would have done any better than Kinnock. But had John Smith not died, I would have thought looking back that Blair would have been much the better candidate than Smith. Though Smith would still have won in 1997, he wouldn't have got as big a landslide as Blair got.


Perhaps, but it's pure speculation

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of course it is - as is speculating that David M would have a bigger lead in the polls than Ed M has now however I think that is probably true too. Total speculation. You have no idea what would have happened really and nobody can possibly know for sure. But plenty of people would agree that Blair would have probably been a better candidate in 97 than Smith - or Brown. He was a superb candidate to be the face of the Labour party in that election and I could not imagine anyone being as good as him. Those two Scots would never have done as well as Blair did in southern England, although the south of England had already started to turn around towards Labour in the 1992 election.

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Peter Oborne crucifies him in this excellent blog... Any anti Lab/Lib/Cons who read this article will identify with the problems this country faces.





After the article, its worth reading "best" comments.....and scroll down to "lizard people". This kept me laughing for way too long last night.

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Peter Oborne crucifies him in this excellent blog... Any anti Lab/Lib/Cons who read this article will identify with the problems this country faces.





After the article, its worth reading "best" comments.....and scroll down to "lizard people". This kept me laughing for way too long last night.


Great article, Peter Oborne is an excellent writer. This piece in the Guardian elaborates what Oborne touched on with regards the irony of an ex foreign office minister going to work for a charity:


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Great article, Peter Oborne is an excellent writer. This piece in the Guardian elaborates what Oborne touched on with regards the irony of an ex foreign office minister going to work for a charity:



Good article. The Guardian & Beeb were literally fawning all over his loss so its nice to see a different prospective from them. Good points made too.


David Miliband will only be missed by those who have never read any political biography's in the last 20 years and instead read the Mirror or Sun.


Awful, disgusting human being, who like the elitist Blair will now globe trot around the world, thinking their new roles will somehow repair the damage they did in the past. I expect Gideon & Cameron to go exactly the same way.


Neither Catholicism or Charitable roles will ever forgive their sins.

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